"he turned up in well-cut clothes...and upmarket felt hats"
用作形容词 (adj.)
The problem originates in Seoul where house prices, especially in the upmarket Kangnam district south of the river, are near or at record highs. 问题源于首尔的房价,特别是位于河南边高档的江南地区的房价已接近或者达到了历史高位。
Designed to move upmarket to compete better with the Rolls-Royce Phantom and the Maybach, the new Bentley will possess far more luxuries than its already opulent predecessor. 旨在使竞争更高档的劳斯莱斯幻影和迈巴赫,新的宾利将拥有更多的奢侈品比其前任已经富裕。