- unusual blood fats 血脂异常
- The doctor is seeking a blood donor for a patient with unusual blood type. 医生正在寻找能给一个血型罕见的病人输血的献血者。
- Can regulating cholesterol level, blood pressure and blood fat. 功效:能抗衰老,调节胆固醇,血压,血脂。
- Q. Foods that help lowering triglyceride the Blood Fat? 问:哪些是可以帮助减低甘油三脂的食物?
- That's because these blood fats are converted to energy for your muscles. 那是因为这些血脂被转换成肌肉的能量。
- The dotor is finding a blood donor , who can transfuse blood to a patient with unusual blood type . 医生正在寻找能给一个血型罕见的病人输血的献血者。
- CONCLUSION: Rationally chosen descendens blood fat drugs with good curat... 结论:合理选择疗效好、价格低的降血脂药具有良好的发展趋势。
- To observe the curative effect and blood fat change after 6 weeks contin... 结论生水蛭胶囊具有降血脂、抗血栓、抗凝等作用,治疗缺血性中风疗效确切。
- Former blood fat is taller person, of soja fall fat effect is more distinct. 原血脂越高者,大豆的降脂作用越显著。
- They found that longer walks produce the most beneficial changes to the composition of blood fats. 他们发现远距离行走对血脂的构成有最有益的改变。
- Bee mucus is effectively functions to decrease blood sugar, blood fat and cholesterol. 蜂胶具有很好的降血糖、降血脂、降胆固醇的作用。
- Objective: goal discussion insulin resistance to blood sugar, blood fats influence. 摘要目的探讨胰岛素抵抗对血糖、血脂的影响。
- They found that longer walks produce the most beneficial changes to the composition of blood fats, but walks of any length improve the fitness of the heart. 他们发现,距离较长的步行使血液脂肪的成分发生最有益于健康的变化,但任何距离的步行都可以促进心脏健康。
- Reduce blood fat and blood viscosity; protect heart and brain blood vessel disease. 降低血脂、降低血粘度;预防心脑血管疾病。
- Even moderate activity can boost the good cholesterol levels; aid the circulatory system and lower blood pressure and blood fats. 即便是中等程度的锻炼也能促进胆固醇达到良好的状态,对循环系统有利,可降低血压和血脂。
- Smoking, being overweight and lack of exercise also influence blood fat and cholesterol levels and heart disease risk. 吸烟,肥胖,以及缺乏锻炼都是影响血液脂肪胆固醇水平和心脏病的风险的因素。
- Atorvastatin can effectually lower blood fat and improve the prognosis of the patients with acute cerebral infarction. 阿托伐他汀能有效降脂并改善急性脑梗死患者的预后。
- Aerobic exercise can effectively reduce the level of blood fat and ET-1 in serum of hyperolipemia C57BL/6J mice. 有氧运动能够降低高脂血症C57BL/6J小鼠血脂水平和血浆内皮素1水平。
- Should be chyle blood, proof blood sticks consistency exorbitant, blood is stiff, proposal assay blood fat! 我母亲在检查肝功一项时,抽出的血里有很多沫,这是怎么回事?
- I look on the matter as most unusual. 我认为这件事极不寻常。