- The two me thods were also applied to Kenli County, but the result of unsupervised classifi cation is better than that of supervised classification. 垦利县由于地处滨海盐渍土地区,光谱差异性小,因而非监督分类的结果优于监督分类的结果。
- As an unsupervised classifying method, clustering algorithm is able to partition and classify things according to definite requirements and rules. 聚类算法作为一种无监督的分类方法,它能按照一定的要求和规律对事物进行区分和分类。
- unsupervised classifieation 无监督分类
- Clustering is an unsupervised learning technique. 聚类分析是一种非监督学习技术。
- Is learning supervised or unsupervised? 学习是监督式或非监督式?
- Reliable workers are generally unsupervised. 可靠的工人一般情况下不用监督。
- The school maintains unsupervised study halls during free periods. 自习时间,学校的自习室无人监督。
- Unsupervised classify 非监督分类
- It is open 24 hours a day, features cribs and a washroom with changing facilities, and is unsupervised. 每天24小时开放,内有婴儿床及附更换设施的洗手间,但没有专人看管。
- Must be prepared to work unsupervised and contribute to and provide opinions that add to the design input freely. 必须准备好在无人管理的情况下也能全心投入地工作,并坦诚提出意见增加设计意见的输入。
- Never leave your puppy unsupervised inside or outside, and keep him off balconies, upper porches and high decks. 无论在室内还是室外,不要让狗狗再无人照料的情况下单独活动。让狗狗远离阳台,高的门廊和甲板。
- Keywords: unsupervised artificial neural network, image identification, instantaneous velocity. 关键词:无监督式类神经网路、影像辨识、瞬时速度。
- An unsupervised segmentation of SAR imagery based on Multiscale image block is proposed. 提出了一种基于多尺度图像块的SAR图像无监督分割方法。
- The result of the feature selection in unsupervised learning is not as satisfactory as that in supervised learning. 无监督学习环境下的特征选择往往无法取得像有监督学习环境下那样令人满意的效果。
- Self-organizing NNs trains the network in a way of unsupervised learning and it has the function of Self-organising. 自组织竞争神经网络以无教师教学的方式进行网络训练,具有自组织功能。
- FCM algorithm used in image segmentation is a course of unsupervised fuzzy clustering followed by demarcating. FCM算法用于图像分割,是一种非监督模糊聚类后标定的过程。
- A segmentation algorithm can use unsupervised learning techniques, such as clustering, or supervised learning for a specific prediction field. 分段算法可以使用无监督学习技术(例如聚类分析)或针对特定预测字段的有监督学习技术。
- This paper presents a system for unsupervised verb semantic knowledge acquisition using small corpus and a machine-readable dictionary (MRD). 本文提出了一种基于小规模语料库和机器可读词典 (MachineReadableDictionary ,MRD)的无指导的动词语义获取方法。
- This paper describes an unsupervised translation disambiguation method based on the Equivalent Pseudo Translation (EPT). 该文提出了一种基于等价伪译词进行无指导译文消歧的方法。
- This paper introduces the printciples of the medical gas central supply system and its structure,Classifieation, standards, flow chart and its advantages,and its quatity guarantee and quality conlrol. 介绍了现代医院医用气体中心供应系统的优点、种类、标准、构成,流程及工作原理,并从安装工艺、技术规范、工程招标、施工管理、工程验收及操作、维修保养培训方面提出了其质量保证与质量控制具体内容。