- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- "But the unsung hero is Ben Wallace," said Embry. “但是,我们的无名英雄是本华莱士,”恩布里。
- You are truly the unsung hero of this film. 你实在是这部电影里没有歌颂过的英雄。
- Such people are the unsung heroes of the information revolution. 这些人才是信息革命的无名英雄。
- There are sun and rain, there are unsung heroes of the figure. 这里有阳光和雨露,有默默耕耘的身影。
- Owen would also like to thank this“ unsung heroes” for their contribution. 欧文也很感谢这两位“无名英雄”的捐献。
- Owen would also like to thank this “unsung heroes” for their contribution. 欧文也很感谢这两位“无名英雄”的捐献。
- It is to these unsung heroes that World Blood Donor Day is dedicated. 世界献血日就是为表彰这些无名英雄设立的。
- Public health professionals are the unsung heroes of the medical world. 公共卫生专家是医疗界的无名英雄。
- In the playoffs you need unsung heroes in every game, tonight was Chuck's night. 在季后赛里,你需要每场比赛都有一些无名英雄,而今晚这个人就是海耶丝。
- Here are some photos attributed to these unsung heroes who tirelessly supported our winners on the stage. 以下是一些幕后英雄在比赛时的写实。感谢这些无名英雄为我们优胜者所做的支援。
- That the vanguard of all walks of life, is the unsung heroes of our times, it is the backbone of the Chinese nation! 那各行各业的排头兵,正是我们这个时代的无名英雄,正是中华民族的中流砥柱!
- Meet unsung heroes who've achieved lasting impact without obvious power or charisma. 他们的背景各不相同,有些人家境清寒,有些人出身权贵。
- How many unsung heroes in their extraordinary dedication post their youth, and even lives, they are also great. 又有多少无名英雄,他们在平凡的岗位上奉献着自己的青春,甚至是生命,他们同样是伟大的。
- But it is unpretentious, sincere and unselfish, but it is flowers, the "unsung heroes. 但是它朴实无华、真诚无私,却是花草中的“无名英雄”。
- We must now assemble a group of support service workers,who are ready to be unsung heroes and who are diligent,conscientious and devoted to their work. 现在一定要有一批人搞后勤工作。这些人要甘当无名英雄,勤勤恳恳,热心为大家服务。
- I thought Battier and Snyder did a phenomenal job of guarding DWade and those two were the unsung heroes of today's game. 我认为巴蒂尔和施奈德今天防守韦德做的不错,他们是今天晚上的无名英雄。
- They are amongst the unsung heroes of this war, and everything possible to lighten their tedium and buoy up their morale should be done. 彼辈亦属此次战争中无名英雄之列。凡足减轻其烦闷,振奋其精神之一切可能措施均应一一采取。
- Muntari: 6.0 - a tireless stem Zanghuoleihuo, always one step ahead than the opponent, he is becoming Meazza, one of the many unsung heroes. 蒙塔里:6.;0-不知疲倦的干着脏活累活,总是能比对手领先一步,他正在成为梅阿查的众多无名英雄之一。
- I try to laud the more unsung heroes, often because rather than given credit they can find themselves unfairly criticised. 球队中的无名英雄还多的是,他们总是能够正确对待那些不公正的批评,并通过自己的表现去反驳它们。