- unsound geologic condition 不良地质
- The layout of underground power house of Baise project is limited by the special geologic condition. 百色水利枢纽地下厂房布置受地质条件的限制性较强。
- Many mining engineering subjects are established on geologic condition of alluvium. 众多矿业工程均建设于冲击地层的地质环境之中。
- Combining mining geologic condition with production practice, create physical model, predict hodograph, and compute strata velocity distribution. 结合矿井开采地质条件及生产实际,建立数学物理模型,推算时距曲线、求解地层速度。
- Shanle oilfield is an ultra-low permeability coal series interbred reservoir in Tuha field with special geologic condition and complex structures. 鄯勒油田是吐哈油区的一个特低渗煤系互层油藏,地质条件特殊,构造复杂。投产以来,由于衰竭式开采,地层压力持续下降,产量下降幅度大。
- The production of fracturing acidizing of carboniferous system in east Sichuan has a close relation to geologic condition. 四川东部石炭系压裂酸化后的产量与井的地质条件有密切关系。
- The high mining height hydraulic support is designed for the special geologic condition of Shangwan Coal Mine,such as shallow buried depth,thin bed rock and thick aeolian sand. 大采高液压支架是针对上湾矿煤层浅埋深、薄基岩、厚风积沙等特定地质条件而研制的一种高性能综采液压支架。
- The analysis and calculation of one typical sheeting-pile dock construction provides a solution for application of sheeting-pile dock in complex geologic condition. 摘要对某板桩码头工程实例进行分析和计算,为复杂地质条件下的板桩码头应用提供解决方案。
- Because of the influence of the engineering geologic condition, hydrogeological condition and artificial factor, it is easy to have landslide at tunnel portal. 由于受工程地质条件、水文地质条件及人为因素等影响,隧道洞口施工过程中易发生洞口滑坡。
- In C13,34 fault block of Ciyutuo oilfield,since the complex geologic condition of oil bed,and the high crude viscosity,the oil well contamination was serious. 茨榆坨油田茨13,34块边部油层地质状况复杂,原油粘度较高,油井污染问题日益突出,储量难以开发,严重束缚了区块发展。
- TGP damsite has an excellent engineering geology condition. 三峡坝址工程地质条件优越。
- Combine with the practice,to study the change law of geologic condition is important significance to rational mining resource,it make the economic effect to raise. 结合生产实际,阐述了研究地质条件的变化规律,对矿井合理开采优质资源,提高经济效益有重要的指导意义。
- Shanle Oilfield is the especially low permeability oil reservoir of coal measure interlay in Tuha oil region,with particular geologic condition and complicated structure. 鄯勒油田是吐哈油区的一个特低渗煤系互层油藏,地质条件特殊,构造复杂。
- The house roof was (structurally) unsound. 这屋顶(结构)不牢固。
- In my opinion, the scheme is unsound. 依我看,这计划不够妥当。
- I am afraid that it is an unsound investment. 我担心这项投资靠不住。
- Through studing the coal pillar width Parameter in 3246 along stull machine tunnel in QiDong Coal mine, ascertainment the coal pillar width Parameter in Similar geologic condition . 通过对我矿3246沿空机巷煤柱宽度参数的研究,确定了类似地质条件下的煤柱宽度参数,为今后的采区设计提供了理论依据。
- The Analogy of Petroleum Geologic Conditions Between Bohai Bay Basin and Songliao Basin. 渤海湾盆地和松辽盆地石油地质条件比较
- That bridge looks unsound to me. 以我看那桥不安全。
- A model of several levels fuzzy synthetical judgment for the geologic conditions of stopes is established. 建立了刘桥矿回采工作面地质条件多层次模糊综合评判模式。