- unscrupulous and vicious 穷凶极恶的
- A woman regarded as scolding and vicious. 悍妇,鬼婆被认为刻薄和恶毒的妇人
- Chopping stability and vicious counterattack. 削球稳且反攻凶狠。
- Do you have big, sharp fangs and vicious claws? 你有又大又锋利的牙齿和恶毒的爪子吗?
- The sinister and vicious robbers kidnapped the professor. 歹毒的强盗绑架了教授。
- That's how you'll end up black hearted,evilminded and vicious. 那就是你的结局:黑心肠的,恶毒的,邪恶的。
- That's how you'll end up black hearted, evilminded and vicious. 那就是你的结局:心肠的,恶毒的,邪恶的。
- She looked bold and resourceful and unscrupulous and she was all of these. 她看上去很大胆,善于随机应变而且肆无忌惮,她正是这样一个人。
- One water buffalo myth conjures up an image of wild and vicious animals. 这些奇谈之一是把水牛说成是一种粗野而残暴的动物。
- Overestimation of the medicinal value of endangered species has been misused by the unscrupulous and lead to the rapid expansion of the illegal market, which should be banned. 民间对珍稀动植物的药用价值过分崇信;而那些不法之徒利用人们这种心理;偷偷投入黑市市场.;黑市应予禁止
- On the following morning at the sound of the gavel, there was Mason, as fresh and vigorous and vicious as ever. 第二天早上,木槌一敲,梅森又来了。还是那么精神,那么顽强,那么气势汹汹。
- There is more pleasure, even in this world, in an innocent and virtuous life, than in one debauched and vicious. 就是在尘世间,过一辈子清白、规矩日子,也比荒淫、放荡要快乐得多。
- Those concepts of spoilage and vicious circle of ecological environment have been explained. 对生态环境的破坏和恶化等概念作了具体说明。
- He was cruel, treacherous and unscrupulous. 他残忍、奸诈、不择手段。
- An Iraqi spokesman told reporters Tuesday the two bodies bore signs of torture and vicious mistreatment. 伊拉克发言人星期二告诉记者,这两具尸体有遭受酷刑和虐待的痕迹。
- Cunning and vicious people often come to the shop to provoke unwarranted trouble. 经常有刁恶的人来店里无理取闹。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- Despite their rows of ragged teeth and vicious appearance, sand tiger sharks are actually rather docile, usually attacking humans only in self-defense. 沙虎鲨虽然有着尖牙利齿和狠毒的外表,但实际上它们却非常温顺,只是在自卫时才会攻击人类。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。