- unregenerate revolutionary 坚定的革命者
- He suffered for his revolutionary principles. 他为了自己的革命原则而蒙受苦难。
- The meeting finished off with a revolutionary song. 会议最后以唱革命歌曲而结束。
- We shall carry forward the revolutionary tradition. 我们应该发扬革命传统。
- The monument was built in honor of the revolutionary martyrs. 这座纪念碑是为了纪念革命烈士而树立的。
- All revolutionary work calls for enthusiasm and selflessness. 一切革命工作都需要热情和忘我精神。
- At no point in his life should a revolutionary lie back and take life easy. 一个革命者在一生中的任何时刻,都不应该停止战斗去过安逸的生活。
- But its truly revolutionary character can be seen in its interactive potential. 但它真正革命的特性能够在其相互影响的潜力方面表现出来。
- Revolutionary ideas pervaded the whole land. 革命思想遍及全国。
- The revolutionary war has deteriorated the country. 这场革命战争已使该国解体。
- Eternal life to the revolutionary martyrs! 革命先烈永垂不朽!
- Fabvier was factious; Bavoux was revolutionary. 法布维埃是暴动分子,巴武是革命党人。
- A German mercenary in the British army in America during the Revolutionary War. 黑森雇佣兵在美国革命战争时期,在美国的英国军队中的德国雇佣兵
- He did not crack down his revolutionary left wing. 他没有整治那些不安本份的左翼分子。
- Gauss did see the most revolutionary implication. Gauss确实看到了最富有变革性的含义。
- The invention of writing was the most revolutionary of all human inventions. 书写是人类各种发明中最具有革命性的。
- Can such comrades withstand revolutionary storms? 这样的同志,经不经得起大风浪呢?
- This is a revolutionary new product. 这是一种革命性的新产品。
- We are bound up by a revolutionary friendship. 我们是以革命友谊紧密联系在一起的。
- Work on big, bold and brash revolutionary ideas. 尝试重要、大胆与直接的革命性构想。