- The victim's dismemberedbody was found in a trunk. 在一只大箱子里发现了受害者遭肢解的躯体。
- He packed his clothes into a trunk. 他把衣服装进箱内。
- She stowed her clothes in a trunk. 她把衣服装在箱子里。
- They are unpacking a trunk. 他们正在打开衣箱。
- unpack a trunk 开箱取物
- A trunk distinguishes the elephant. 长鼻是象的特征。
- She slammed down the lid of a trunk. 她砰地一声关上了箱盖。
- Operator, can I have a trunk call to bedford645931, extension214, please? 话务员,我想打个长途到Bedford645931号214分机。
- A trunk and two leather cases three pieces in all. 一个大衣箱和两个皮箱,一共是三件。
- An old suit was rummaged up out of a trunk. 从皮箱里翻找出了一套旧衣服。
- I made a trunk call to Stella just now. 我刚才给斯特拉打了一次长途电话。
- He packed his clothes into a trunk . 他把衣服装入箱内。
- He slammed down the lid of a trunk. 他砰地一声关上箱盖。
- She slammed down the lid of a trunk . 她砰地一声关上了箱盖。
- Construction and operation of a trunk road. 建造及营办一条主干路。
- The money was hidden in a trunk. 钱藏在箱子里。
- Hello,operator,I'd like to place a trunk call to Guangzhou,china. 喂,接线员,我想打长途电话去中国广州。
- I will leave you now so that you can unpack. 我这就走,好让你打开行李。
- The same applies to a trunked radio system. 集群无线系统也是如此。
- This code is also referred to as a trunk access code. 此代码也称为中继代码。