- This video is about the Rugby Team of University of Hong Kong. 这部片子是关于香港大学的橄榄球队的一些情况。
- PhD at Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1999 to 2002. 1999年至2002年在香港中文大学攻读博士学位;
- Venue: Wei Hing Theatre, City University of Hong Kong. 地点:香港城市大学惠卿剧院。
- Director, APEC Study Centre, the University of Hong Kong. 香港大学亚太经济合作研究中心主任。
- I am studying for my MBA in City University of Hong Kong. 目前正在香港城市大学修读工商管理硕士课程。
- QMH: Queen Mary Hospital, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR China. 香港大学,玛丽皇后医院。
- The University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong provide basic training of doctors. 香港大学和香港中文大学均有开办医生基础训练课程。
- Training in dentistry is available at the University of Hong Kong, which produced 45 dentists in 2001. 香港大学开办了牙科训练课程,年内取得牙医资格的毕业生共有45名。
- Training in dentistry is available at the University of Hong Kong,which produced 45 dentists in 2001. 香港大学开办了牙科训练课程,2001年内取得牙医资格的毕业生共有45名。
- Therefore, Yat-Sen also naturally became one of remarkable alumnus in the University of Hong Kong. 因此,孙中山亦理所当然地成为香港大学卓越的校友之一。
- Jenny graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a degree in Economics and Marketing. 李静宜毕业于香港中文大学,主修经济,副修市场。
- The Department of Chemistry of the University of Hong Kong has produced research at the cutting edge of its discipline. 香港大学化学系于学科领域的研究工作一向十分出色。
- Admissions Office, City University of Hong Kong Tat Chee Avenue Kowloon, Hong Kong. 香港城市大学招生处。
- The Faculty of Dentistry of The University of Hong Kong will hold a Graduation and Prize Presentation Ceremony. 香港大学牙医学院将举行本年度毕业及颁奖典礼,邀得主礼嘉宾。
- Introduces genomics-related research projects undertaken by The University of Hong Kong. 介绍由香港大学进行的有关基因组的研究。
- The University of Hong Kong must play a role in guiding and helping society to master these challenges. 香港大学义不容辞,必须带领和协助社会,克服种种挑战。
- Law students from the University of Hong Kong and the City University of Hong Kong are eligible to participate. 香港大学及城市大学的法律学院学生均可参加。
- The lectures are co-organized with the Department of History, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 讲座与香港中文大学历史系合办。
- Is the Chancellor of the University of Aberdeen and the penultimate Governor of Hong Kong. 是苏格兰阿伯丁大学校监,曾任香港总督。
- He has studied at Taiwan Normal University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Griffith University (Modern Asian Studies) and ANU (International Law). 他曾就读于台湾师范大学、香港中文大学、格理菲斯大学(现代亚洲研究)和澳大利亚国立大学(国际法)。