- UTTO Universal Tractor Transmission OIL 通用拖拉机传动油
- The tractor has make deep furrow in the loose sand. 曳引机在松软的沙土上留下了深深的车辙。
- A set of tools goes with each tractor. 每一台出售的拖拉机都附有工具一套。
- He drove the tractor to his farm. 他开拖拉机去农场了。
- There is a tractor in this farmyard. 在这个农家庭院里停着一台拖拉机。
- The tractor is powered by a diesel engine. 这台曳引机是用柴油机发动的。
- The tractor had been damaged by rough usage. 这辆拖拉机因使用不经心而损坏了。
- Overpopulation is a universal problem. 人口过多是全球性的问题。
- Music has been called the universal language. 人们称音乐为世界的语言。
- His courage compels universal admiration. 他的勇气不禁令人肃然起敬。
- The clanking tractor went along, shooting smoke out of its belly. 拖拉机铿铿地开了过去,从车肚里喷出烟来。
- Television provides universal entertainment. 电视提供大众化的娱乐。
- The tractor laboured up the hillside. 拖拉机艰难地向山坡上爬去。
- This machine has a universal use in the home. 这种机器在家庭中有广泛的用途。
- They managed to pull in the tractor inside the shed. 他们设法把牵引机拉进棚里。
- Such a universal genius is hard to come by. 这样的全才是很难得的。
- A bar across the rear of a tractor for hitching machinery. 联接杆拖拉机后部牵引机械的横梁
- English is referred to as a universal language. 英文被称为世界语言。
- The tractor took up the slack and pulled the trailer out of the mud. 拖拉机拉紧拖缆把拖车从泥中拉了出来。
- Beijing Technology and Business Univ. 北京科技大学外语系。