- universal strain amplifier 万能应变放大器
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- I bought an amplifier yesterday. 我昨天买了一个扩音器。
- He finally break down under the four-hour's strain. 在四小时的压力下他终于支持不了。
- Paying all the bills is a strain on my resources. 支付所有这些费用是我经济上的一大负担。
- Her speech continued in the same dismal strain. 她以悲伤的语调接著往下说。
- Overpopulation is a universal problem. 人口过多是全球性的问题。
- Could you stand the strain? Oh, that's nothing. 这样累你受得了吗?这没什么。
- Music has been called the universal language. 人们称音乐为世界的语言。
- He broke under the strain of heavy work. 他在繁重工作的压力之下累坏了。
- His courage compels universal admiration. 他的勇气不禁令人肃然起敬。
- There's a strain of madness in the family. 那一家人都有点疯疯颠颠的。
- Television provides universal entertainment. 电视提供大众化的娱乐。
- He was breaking up under the strain. 他劳累过度,身体逐渐衰弱。
- The official was warned not to strain his power. 那个官员受到警告,不可滥用职权。
- He pitched his story in a sentimental strain. 他把故事写得带有伤感情调。
- Strain began to tell on his health. 过度劳累开始影响他的健康。
- This machine has a universal use in the home. 这种机器在家庭中有广泛的用途。
- We'll finish the job at full strain. 我们将竭尽全力来完成此项工作。
- Such a universal genius is hard to come by. 这样的全才是很难得的。