- universal quantum computer 通用量子计算机
- A quantum computer can factor the number 15. 量子计算机可以对数字15分解因子。
- QNC is a Environment for developing quantum computer simulations. QNC是一个用于开发量子计算机模拟的环境。
- The Centre for Quantum Computer Technology is part of UNSW's innovation agenda. 量子计算机技术中心,是新南威尔士大学的创新议程的一部分。
- One branch of the field is quantum computing. 该领域的一个分支就叫做量子计算。
- Quantum computer can theoretically outperform today's digital computer for more application than previously think. 和以前所想的比起来,理论上量子电脑的性能在更多的应用上超过现在的数字电脑。
- The import of quantum computation language provides a powerful-convenient and universal tool for the research of quantum communication. 量子计算语言的引入,为量子通信的研究提供了一种强大、简便、通用的工具。
- How is it that a quantum computer could provide speedups for some problems, such as breaking codes, but not for others? 为什麽量子电脑可以加速解决某些如破解密码的问题,却对其他问题束手无策呢?
- A Possible Quantum Computation in Cytoskeletal Microtubule[J]. 引用该论文 蒋懿;邱锡钧;李儒新.
- A novel quantum neural computational model is constructed based on the universal quantum gates unit (i. e. phase-shift gate and controlled NOT gate), which acts as the basic computational component. 研究以通用量子逻辑门组(即相移门和受控非门)作为计算基函数,构造新的量子神经计算网络模型。
- The thing that distinguishes a quantum computer from the sort in use today is the number of calculations it can do in parallel. 能把量子计算机与目前正在应用的传统计算机区别开来的是计算机可以并行计算的数目。
- In 2007, Farhi, Goldstone and Gutmann showed that a quantum computer can determine who wins a game faster than a classical computer. 而科学家想寻找的答案是宇宙中包括星球在内的各种物质是如何形成的。
- For a quantum computer to be of use, one must not only create special qubit states but also manipulate them in ways that preserve their quantum characteristics. 要让量子电脑能够使用,我们不能只制造出特殊的量子位元态,也要能够在维持著量子特性的情况下操控它们。
- For, on February 13th, D-Wave Systems, a firm based in Burnaby, near Vancouver, announced the existence of the world's first practical quantum computer. 2月13日该公司宣布了全球首台实用级量子计算机的问世。
- How Public Key Cryptosystem Confronts the Challenge from Quantum Computing? 公钥密码如何应对量子计算的挑战?
- Quantum computing will be strictly mainframe for the foreseeable future. 确切地说,量子运算处理在可预见的未来将会是台大型机。
- To some, the apparent limitations of quantum computers might come as a letdown. 或许会有些人认为,量子电脑明显的局限真是令人失望。
- The quantum computation is encapsulated in the particular braid so formed. 量子计算就藏在如此形成的特定绞辫里。
- Quantum computers in the transformation for all possible Mody transformation. 量子计算机中的变换为所有可能的么正变换。
- Quantum Network Computing - QNC is a Environment for developing quantum computer simulations. QNC是一个用于开发量子计算机模拟的环境。