- universal interface of USB 通用USB接口
- Hardware Products: Car Security System(mainly guard against theft System), Industry Control System, product of wireless remote control with communication interface of USB, digital timer, temperature annunciator, A/D card and so on. 硬件产品:汽车安防系统(以汽车防盗装置为主),工业控制系统,基于USB的多媒体计算机遥控产品,数字定时器,温度控制器,A/D转换卡等。
- The Design of USB Interface of Set-top-box in Slave Mode 数字电视机顶盒从模式USB接口设计
- Main products: all kinds of USB plug.Socket.AV. 主要生产:各式USB插头.;插座
- Since puting out in 1995, USB(Universal Serial Bus) has become the main interface of external communication to the computer in short order. 通用串行总线(Universal Serial Bus)自从1995年推出以来,很快就成为了计算机外部通讯的主要接口。
- One data interface of a particular type. 一个特定种类的数据界面。
- ODBC is a universal interface, almost every database provider support it. 是一个普遍的ODBC接口,几乎每一个数据库提供支持。
- To be the interface of the project and HW project team. 项目组和硬件之间的接口人.
- One of USB's strengths is that it allows you to connect to a hub. USB的优点之一是允许接到一个插座盒。
- This paper focuses on the design of USB driver in WDM mode and Windows interface application program of video stream. 重点阐述了WDM模式的USB设备驱动程序与采集视频流的界面应用程序的设计。
- To stagger the interfaces of tape and plate. 胶带的介面应与版材的介面错开.
- Analysis of USB On-The-Go Operating Principle and Applied Research. 工作原理分析和应用研究。
- The hardware and software designing process of EIB universal interface is described. 文章给出了EIB通用接口硬件、软件设计过程。
- MTL is one of the Shenzhen s largest suppliers of USB accessories. 启夏是其中深圳最大的USB外围产品供应商之一。
- MTL is one of the Shenzhen s largest suppliers of USB accessies. 启夏是其中深圳最大的USB外围产品供应商之一。
- Why did you reduce the number of USB ports from 6 to 4 ? 你为什么减少万用串列总线的数字港口从6到4?
- Major manufacturers, including LG, Motorola, Nokia and Samsung, have agreed to use Micro-USB technology as a universal interface. 届时,这些生产商将采用统一标准的USB接口小型充电器,可为任意型号的手机充电。
- USB instrument is brought to the ground and inserted into USB interface of the computer while chauffeurs ascend to the ground. 升井后,司机将USB设备带至地面管理计算机,插入USB接口,计算机专用软件将以表格形式显示当班的机车的速度数据,该软件还带有打印、查询等其他管理功能。
- People can realize data acquisition and device control of GPIB instrument use the USB interface of the PC with this controller. 参与研究开发了USB-GPIB控制器,通过该控制器可以实现利用PC机的USB接口对GPIB仪器的数据采集及设备控制。
- The paper introduced the design and realization ways of USB interface based on PDIUSBD12, which involves the design of interface circuit and firmware. 摘要介绍了基于PDIUSBD12的USB接口设计的方法,包括硬件电路设计与固件程序设计。