- They dwell at unity with the natives. 他们与当地人和睦地住在一起。
- I never ceased to feel a unity with France. 我从来没有丧失同法国团结在一起的感情。
- They built unity with a respect for diversity. 他们以尊重异己来建立团结。
- unity with Soviet 联俄
- May you transcend and ascend into the dance of unity with all species. 祝愿你们和所有物种一起超越并提升到统一之舞中。
- It was a good illustration of the stamina required to deal with Soviet diplomacy. 这充分说明了在外交上同苏联打交道是很需要些耐力的。
- Sense your unity with all life and the love that draws to you all you need. 感受你与所有生命的统一与爱,向自己吸引你所需的一切。
- The Iraqi air- defense system was built with Soviet assistance and largely with Soviet equipment. 伊拉克的防空系统是在苏联的帮助下建成的,所使用的装备主要是由苏联提供的。
- After the war with Soviet Union was over Katajainen was demobilised on 10 November 1944 with the rank of Sr. 对苏战争结束后,1944年11月10日卡塔雅南以军士长军衔复员。
- If we don't have many new cadres working in unity with the old cadres,our cause will come to a stop. 如果我们没有许多新干部和老干部一道团结合作,我们的事业就会停顿。
- We are designed to be at our best when we are in harmony and unity with all of creation. 若是跟整个创造有和谐合一的关系,我们就在最佳状态。
- French philosopher and mystic who viewed suffering as a means of unity with God. Her works include Waiting for God, published posthumously. (魏尔•西蒙尼1909-1943)法国哲学家和神秘主义者,她认为受苦是一种与上帝结合的方式。她的作品包括她死后发表的《等待上帝》。
- The time isn't as important as the terrain; but the terrain isn't as important as unity with the people. 天时不如地利, 地利不如人和。
- For the human blueprint requires a state of full consciousness to retain unity with all other species. 因为人类蓝图需要全意识的状态去达到与所有其它物种的统一。
- The Iraqi air-defense system was built with Soviet assistance and largely with Soviet equipment. 伊拉克的防空系统是在苏联的帮助下建成的,所使用的装备主要是由苏联提供的。
- The obsession with Soviet intentions causes the West to be smug during periods of detente and panicky during crisis. 由于对苏联的意图纠缠不清,使得西方在缓和时期沾沾自喜,在危机时期又惊慌失措。
- A city of east-central India east of Nagpur. It is the site of a large state-owned steel industry built with Soviet assistance. Population, 290,090. 比莱讷格尔:印度中东部一城市,位于那格浦尔以东。是一家苏联援建的大型国营钢铁工业所在地。人口290,090
- On 9 August, Wiking had seized the first of its objectives, the Maikop oil field, after a brief fight with Soviet defenders. 8月9日,"维京"师在和苏军已进行了英勇的战斗后,完成了它的第一个作战目标,迈科普油田。
- This forward role consisted in forging unity with the middle peasants for common action. 这种带头作用即是团结中农和自己一道行动。
- The SS men got into action on 3 September around Avdeievka, dealing with Soviet troops threatening the right flank of Guderian's panzers. 党卫队在9月3日到达了阿夫杰耶夫卡,处理古德里安装甲集群来自右翼的威胁。