- unity between nature and human 天人合一
- The eco-ethics ideology is about the ethical relation between nature and human. 摘要生态伦理思想是关于自然与人伦理关系的思想。
- In addition, he established the transcendence and absoluteness of rites on the basis of unity between natural law and human law. 在天道观方面,他以“天人之分”为理论依据,论证了礼在人类社会中的核心价值,并以天道与人道的统一性为理论依据,建立了礼的超越性和绝对性基础。
- The Romantic poets show a spiritual harmony between nature and human by using images of "birds". 浪漫主义诗人采用“鸟雀”意象,来展示人与自然心意相通的和谐。
- The window opens up the dissepiment between nature and human being, lets part of the spring come in the house, makes us enjoy ourselves not have to go out. 窗子打通了大自然和人的隔膜,把风和太阳逗引进来,使屋子里也关着一部分春天,让我们安坐了享受,无需再到外面去找。
- Standing halfway between nature and human creation, rockery carries over gracefully the life impulse of the former into the cold artificiality of the latter. 石头处于自然与人工之间,它把生命的意义巧妙的融入了人造的境界。
- Sometimes disasters however settle karma between nature and human ancestries;and occasionally as in nuclear testing, it causes problems that are at human cause. 不过有时候,灾害解决了人类祖先史和大自然之间的业力,因为有时候在核试验中,是由人类一手造成了问题。
- He interpreted the relationship between nature and human by applying a theory of “heterodoxy of natural Disasters”. 董仲舒用“灾异说”来解释天与人之间的关系。
- For the better utilization of science and technology and harmonious development between nature and human, function value and ethnic value should be differentiated out from science and technology. 将科学技术的价值区分为功用价值与伦理价值,将有利于人类对科学技术的更好应用,实现人与自然的和谐发展。
- From Dong Zhongshu's world view of nature-human telepathy, an interrelationship exists between nature and human beings and between the natural world and human society. 摘要董仲舒从天人同类、彼此感应的宇宙观出发,认为天与人、自然界与人类社会是相互联系的;
- Comment on the Relationship Between Nature and Human from the Angle of "the Unity of Heaven and Man" and"the Distinctiveness of Heaven and Man" 从"天人合一"与"天人相分"看人与自然
- Especially in the contradiction between nature and present people, we ought to hold the coherence of social law and natural law among the interrelation of nature, society and human. 特别是在当代人与自然紧张的矛盾冲突中,我们更应该在自然、社会与人的相互关联中把握自然规律与社会规律的内在一致性。
- Influence on each other between nature and human 天人感应
- "Harmony between Nature and Human" 天人合一
- the concept of harmony between nature and human 天人合一思想
- harmony between nature and human beings 天人合一
- Harmony between nature and human 天人合一
- correspondence between nature and human 天人相应
- By writing these works, Zhang Wei wants to revive nature, rebuild the poetic relationship between man and nature, and strike a balance between naturality and humanity. 从中反映出张炜意欲复活自然,重建人与自然的诗性关系,在自然性和人性之间找到一个平衡点的思想追求。
- Another is the "Nature and Humanity" ideology. 另一个是“天人合一”思想。