- The couple dwelt together in harmony and concord. 两口子和睦融洽地住在一起。
- The stars move in harmony and concord. 星辰在和谐一致中运行。
- They be two things, unity and uniformity. 原来“统一”与“划一”是两件事
- Let us intend to embody unity and forgiveness. 让我们意愿去包含入统一和宽恕。
- It is based on resistance, unity and progress. 这种统一论是以抗战、团结、进步三件事做基础的。
- Unity and joy requires wholeness. 统一和欢乐需要完整性。
- This article lacks unity and coherence. 这篇文章层次不清。
- Reflect the kind of unity and patriotism. 团结体现出拳拳的爱国心。
- unity and concord 团结和一致
- Mutual understanding, friendship, unity and fair play. 相互了解,友谊、团结和公平竞争。
- A village is both a spatial unity and a social unit. 摘要村落既是一个空间单元,又是一个社会单元。
- How does a rotational energy dream cause greater unity and harmony? 一个旋转能量梦想是如何带来更大的统一与和谐的呢?
- This is the Muslim symbol of unity and perseverance. 这正是穆斯林团结和坚毅的象征。
- We have to keep our unity and our spirit and our togetherness. 我们必须保持我们的统一,我们的精神,和我们归属感。
- The characteristics of idioms include semantic unity and structural stability. 英语习语的特点。
- Unity and Reform: Selected Writings of Nicholas de Cusa, South Bend, Ind. 人们通过原始资料对尼古拉斯
- B: Then don't miss the Freedom Trail-and visit some of the towns outside of Boston, like Lexington and Concord. 乙:那就别遗漏了(关于美国独立战争的)“自由之路” (观光行程)。 此外还可以到波士顿外面的山城看看。
- This article is not well organized.; This article lacks unity and coherence. 这篇文章层次不清。
- On 19 April 1775, British forces were returning to Boston from the battles of Lexington and Concord when they were spotted by Samuel Whittemore. 一七七五年四月十九日,英军经过列克里敦、康科德两场战役,返回波士顿,途中被撒母耳.惠特莫尔看见了。
- The banquet was permeated with a warm atmosphere of unity and friendship. 宴会上洋溢着团结友好的热烈气氛。