- Keywords field rescue;training mechanism;training method;uniting the civil and military;repertory of medical power; 关键词战场救治;训练机制;训练方法;军地联合;卫生力量储备;
- uniting the civil and military 军地联合
- According to CAAC the biggest problems facing the civil aviation industry include too few airports, limited services, saturation at the main hubs of Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing and difficulties in co-ordinating civil and military flight paths. 民航总局表示,航空业面临的最大问题包括机场数量太少、服务地域不广、(上海、广州和北京等)枢纽机场容量饱和、军民航空域使用协调困难等。
- The civilization and culture of ancient Greece. 希腊文明古代希腊人的文明和文化
- The badge of the civil and staid I'll tear into shreds for the nonce. 我暂且撕裂温恭和认真的标志。
- Jeff: You like both Gong Li and Jet Lee. It seems that you want to be a person of civil and military. 杰夫:你又喜欢巩俐又喜欢李连杰,看来你是想文武双全了。
- The civil air defense sector adopts a system of joint leadership by the people's governments and military organs. 人民防空实行人民政府和军事机关共同领导体制。
- There is another stone tablet bearing the following words: Dismount, all civil and military officials. 又一块碑石上,刻着“文武官员至此下马”。
- Guangong was best in civil and military and loyalism, so worshiped by our people, genera-tion by generation. 关帝即关公,文武兼备,忠义之士,历代为世人所崇祀。
- Our civil and military products have wined credit and support from our domestic customers and cooperative institutions. 所生产的军用及民用产品,在国内赢得了合作单位及广大用户的信任与支持。
- One day, the King and all the top civil and military officials went to the ocean in a dragon boat to sightsee. 有一天,国王和很多文武百官一起坐龙船出海游玩。
- The new law will enable thousands of former Baath party members to apply for reinstatement in the civil service and military. 但是随著时间的过去,白宫意识到这些限制激化了伊拉克占多数的什叶派和一度处于统治地位的逊尼派之间的紧张关系。
- Civil and military officials would all kneel before him proclaiming : "Long Live Your Majesty". 所有的官员大臣都要跪在他前面齐声说“陛下万岁!”。
- Many soldiers went under in the Civil War. 许多士兵在内战中阵亡。
- She hopes to get a place in the Civil Service. 她希望获得一份公职。
- Civil and military officials urged Cao Cao to ascend the throne again and again, but he refused every time. 文武官员再三劝进,曹操就是不肯称帝。
- When did the Civil War begin and when did it end? 美国内战何时开始,何时结束?
- uniting civil and military hospital 军地医院联合
- This ruined bridge is a relic of the Civil War. 这座毁坏的桥是南北战争时的遗迹。
- The ranks and numbers of Tibetan civil and military officials, and procedures for their promotion and replacement are stipulated. 对西藏文武官员确定品级、名额和升补手续。