- unisecant curves 单割曲线
- He roughed in the curves he intended his pattern to take. 他粗略地勾出了他设想中图案的曲线。
- The girl has as many curves as a scenic railway. 那女孩的曲线多如游乐场里的小铁路。
- This road is full of sharp curves. 这条路有许多处急转弯。
- A car that performs well on curves. 拐弯功能良好的汽车
- We tried to avoid the beds of reeds at the river curves. 我们试图避开河弯处的芦苇滩。
- Having the curves of a full or voluptuous figure. 性感的具有丰满或肉感的体形的曲线的
- A curve or succession of curves, as in the hair. 卷曲卷曲或一系列卷曲,如头发
- The two curves begin to diverge. 两条曲线开始分开。
- Severe variations deform the discharge curves. 严重者使放电曲线发生畸变。
- A contact, as between two curves or surfaces, at three or more common points. 密切两段弧线或两个平面在三个或更多公共点处的相切
- The path curves around the lake. 这条道路绕着湖延伸
- The car corners well,ie remains steady on curves. 这车转弯转得很平稳.
- Represents a series of connected lines and curves. 表示一系列相互连接的直线和曲线。
- The road curves as you come offthe bridge. 路在你走到桥的尽头时转弯。
- The road curves suddenly to the right. 那条路突然右转。
- The harbour curves like a bright new moon. 月儿弯弯的海港。
- A yacht with long.fluent curves. 一条修长而曲线流畅的游艇
- The river curves round the town. 河绕城镇蜿蜒流去。
- The road curves as you come off the bridge. 路在你走到桥的尽头时转弯。