- 'What's our brand identity? What is our U.S.P (Unique Selling Position)?' “咱们的品牌特色为何?属于我们的独特卖点在哪?”
- unique selling position 独特的销售定位(USP)
- Selling your products by Unique Selling Point. 用最独特的方式销售。
- Position Yourself.Develop a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) based on your own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of your competition. 自我定位:根据你的优势弱势及竞争对手的情况发展一个独树一帜的卖点。
- Sales departments try to identify a product's USP or 'unique selling point'. 销售部门试图确定一种产品的“独有卖点”。
- Please explain the marketability / unique selling proposition of the project. 请说明该项目的可销性/独特卖点。
- Think about your Unique Selling Proposition for your product or service and add to your list of keyword phrases. 你想想你的独特销售主张的产品或服务,加上贵名单关键字句。
- Butter Mountain, their unique selling point, they will spread the butter on the bread before bake. 他们的独特卖点,牛油山,在还未烘烤面包前,他们会在面包表层涂上一层牛油。
- Globalisation, however, is not an unique selling point any more, as other universities are catching up. 不过,随着其它大学正迎头赶上,全球化已不再是其唯一卖点。
- Their famous items, Various kind of marinated meat, these are their unique selling point also. 他们这里闻名的是不同种类腌制法的肉类,也是他们独特的地方。
- A good way to accomplish this is by including a concise Unique Selling Proposition (USP) that distinguishes you from your competitors. 一个做好这件事的方法是使用简洁“独特的销售主张”(USP),这能把你在竞争者中脱颖而出。
- The key to this kind of savvy niche marketing is to carefully write a business plan that defines your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). 网站本身,原本都是很消极被动的,就像火炉边的一只懒狗。
- London as the unique selling point of the British Isles.Identify Chelsea with London, and London with Britain, and you might, if you are lucky, have a brand to die for. 伦敦是不列颠群岛独一无二的卖点,将切尔西等同于伦敦,而伦敦又等同于英国,而假如再加上一点运气,你便拥有了一个足以让人一生追随的品牌。
- AIG invisibly built up huge under-collateralised sell positions on the back of a faulty credit rating. 在存在问题的信用评级基础上,美国国际集团在账外建立了大量抵押不足的空头头寸。
- Amnesty has to compete for attention and funds with other human-rights organisations: its “unique selling proposition”, says Ms Khan, is that it gives ordinary people a chance to participate. 大赦国际不得不同其它人权组织争夺注意力和资金:汗女士说,其“唯一的销售宗旨”就是给予普通民众一次参与的机会。
- The judge enjoined him from selling alcohol. 法官禁止他卖酒。
- He would sell his soul for the position. 他为了得到那个职位可以出卖灵魂。
- Identification of your Unique Selling Proposition 你的独特卖点
- The elephant's trunk is a unique form of appendage. 象的鼻子是一种独特的附肢。
- He will sell his house at a sacrifice because he needs money. 因为他缺钱,他将亏本出售他的房子。