- unintentional defamation 非故意的毁损名雀
- An unintentional omission or mistake. 失察,疏忽出错无意的疏忽或错误
- It was really quite unintentional. 这实在不是有意的。
- The world was stunned by the vicious defamation. 这种恶意诽谤令世界震惊。
- The company sued for defamation. 这个公司因受到诽谤而提起诉讼。
- Character defamation can be either oral or written. 人格诽谤既可以是口头的也可以是书面的。
- I think defamation is one kind of tort. 我认为破坏名誉是一种侵权。
- Youku has counter-sued for defamation. 对此,优酷则反诉诽谤中伤。
- Marked by unintentional lack of care. 疏忽造成的以粗心大意为特征的
- It is really quite unintentional. 这实在不是有意的。
- But sometimes the shock was unintentional. 但是,有些时候这些电击是无意的。
- He sits ashamed over an unintentional mistake. 虽然不是有意的,但是毕竟是做了错事,他站在那愧怍难安。
- Is defamation criminally punishable according to Chinese law? 根据中国法律,破坏名誉会受到刑事处罚吗?
- To become marked by or cause an unintentional transfer of ink. 胶印由于无意地转印上墨水而有了印记
- The newspaper report falls within the category of defamation. 报纸的报导属诽谤性的文章。
- Defamation and insult are legally defined speech events. 污辱、诽谤是由法律所规定的两种侵害名誉权的言语事件。
- If every I offended you, it was entirely unintentional. 无论何时我伤害了你,那完全是无意的。
- The newspaper report fall within the category of defamation. 报纸的报导属诽谤性的文章。
- She sued the magazine for defamation of her character. 她控告该杂志诽谤她的人格。
- If ever I offended you,it was entirely unintentional. 无论何时我伤害了你,那完全是无意的。