- uniformly convex set 一致凸集
- It was proved that,when the objective function was uniformly convex,this algorithm possessed superlinear convergence. 证明该算法在目标函数为一致凸时具有局部超线性收敛性。
- Every weakly countably compact closed convex set in a locally convex space has the quasi-weak drop property. 局部凸空间中每个弱可数紧闭凸集具拟弱滴状性质.
- This Paper discusses the linear regression of one variable from the vie-wpoint of convex set and convex function in the light of the MSAE principles. 本文用凸集和凸函数观点讨论按MSAE准则下的一元线性回归.
- In this paper,we establish the Mann iteration process with errors for nonexpansive mapping in uniformly convex Banach space,and generalize corresponding results of Reich to the Mann iteration process with errors. 本文首先在一致凸 Banach空间中对非扩张映射讨论了带误差的 Mann迭代过程的一些特性 .;然后将 Reich的相应定理推广到带误差的 Mann迭代过程
- Abstract: In this paper,a notion on "unit sphere" and "uniformly convex" is introduced in probabilistic normed spaces,it is proved that existence and uniqueness on the optimal approximate element. 文摘:该文在概率赋范空间中引进了"单位球"和"一致凸"的概念,证明了"最佳近似元"的存在性和唯一性。
- Projection onto convex sets (POCS) is used in this paper. 本文采用POCS方法进行超分辨率图像复原研究。
- The problem of the existence of a cone subdifferential for the cone convex set valued maps in the locally convex, linear and topological vector space is discussed. 在局部凸线性拓扑向量空间讨论了一种锥凸集值映射的锥次微分的存在性问题;证明了几个锥次微分的存在定理.
- Uniformly convex normed linear space 一致凸赋范线性空间
- The existence and uniqueness of the element of best approximation on sequentially weak compact convex set in the normed linear spaces are studied,the conclusion of which improves and generalizes the existing result of Erwin kreysziy. 研究了在严格凸赋范线性空间上无穷维弱列紧凸子集的最佳近似元的存在与唯一性,所得结论改进和推广了Erwin Kreysziy 等已有的结果。
- During on-line computation, an appropriate invariant ellipsoid is chosen from the terminal convex set according to the real state, which enlarges the initial feasible region efficiently. 在线运算时,根据实际的终端状态即时地选择合适的终端不变集,从而有效地扩大了系统的可行域。
- Some important properties of multifacility location models are to be dealt with, and an optimality condition for multifacility location problem on a closed convex set is put forward. 主要讨论多场址模型的性质,并给出了闭凸集上多场址问题的最优性条件。
- In this note,error bounds of maximum entropy method for finite minimax problems with convexity as well as uniformly convexity are investigated. 对具有凸性和一致凸性的极大极小问题,研究了极大熵方法得到的最优解和最优值的误差界。
- A support hyperplane method is presented to find the response set defined for a linear time invariant vibration system under the excitations modeled by some convex sets. 对激励由凸集合建模的线性振动系统提出了响应集的概念,将数学上的微分包含问题简化为求解多自由度振动系统的响应集问题。
- In this paper it is proved that uniform convexity metric linear spaces with completeness are reflexive. 本文证明了完备的一致凸的度量线性空间是自反的。
- It is shown that a point and a (compact) convex set are separated in this paper, and two compact convex sets are separated by a point of the original space in normed dual space. 摘要给出了赋范共轭空间的点与(紧)凸集、紧凸集之间被原空间中的点分隔的定理。
- Convex sets and functions have many interesting and useful properties which are not explored in detail here. 凸集和凸函数具有很多重要的和有用的性质,在此不作详细讨论。
- The relations among these uniform convexity and uniform smoothness, very smoothness, uniform extreme smoothness and extreme smoothness are studed. 讨论了这些凸性与一致光滑、非常光滑、一致极光滑、很极光滑等光滑性之间的关系。
- The convexity number con (D) of a nontrivial connected oriented graph D is the maximum cardinality of a proper convex set of D. 数值地形图可记录精确的面特徵边界线和属性,却无法详细描述建物表面细节。
- It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。