- Tax credit on domestic breeding stocks and genetic materials b. 菲律宾本土的牲畜和基因材料的税收抵免。
- Tax sparing credit is the extension and attachment of Tax Credit Law. 税收饶让抵免作为税收抵免法的延伸和附加;其作用和意义不在于避免国际重复征税.
- The Telecom invoice is then printed by the local tax bureau and will bear the unified tax official seal and number. 电信发票由地税局预印,预印完成的发票印有统一的税务公章及编号。
- This tax credit is available to all members of health insurance schemes. 这项税款扣抵额适用于所有投保健康保险者。
- The tax credit is an imputation based on the fact that corporation tax has been paid. 税收抵免是以已经交纳的公司税为基础的一种估算制度。
- To deduct(an unused tax credit or a loss,for example) for taxable income of a subsequent period. 扣除为下一个时期需征税的收入而扣除(如未使用的税款或其损失)。
- And today, I propose a tax credit to speed the development of vaccines for diseases like malaria, TB and AIDS. 今天,我提议一项促进痢疾、结核、滋病等疫苗研究的税收优惠政策。
- To deduct (an unused tax credit or a loss, for example) for taxable income of a subsequent period. 扣除:为下一个时期需征税的收入而扣除(如未使用的税款或其损失)
- To deduct(an unused tax credit or a loss, for example) for taxable income of a subsequent period. 扣除为下一个时期需征税的收入而扣除(如未使用的税款或其损失)
- The extension of a homeowner's tax credit is imminent and a $250 payment to old people is being discussed. 对有房者的赋税优惠即将增加,给每位老年人以250美元的补助计划正在讨论之中。
- That measure is accompanied by a new employer tax credit of up to NZ$20 a week to help offset the costs to employers. 这个标准还附有一个新的雇主课税扣除,高达20新西兰元一周,从而帮助抵消雇主的相应费用。
- Should Input Tax Credited be Paid back when Inventory Losses Occur? 企业发生存货盘亏,相应已抵扣的进项税额是否要转出?
- On the Unified Tax System between Town and Country 试论城乡通开的统一税制
- industrial-commercial unified tax [经] 工商统一税
- Gordon Dahl, associate professor at the University of Rochester, who carried out the research, said the UK's tax credit system was likely to yield similar results as in the US. 负责主持这项研究的罗彻斯特大学教授高登戴尔表示,英国的税制系统似乎略逊于美国。
- The State exempted from part of historical tax credit of the enterprises which was in the old industrial base of the northeast of China. 国家对东北老工业基地企业部分历史欠税豁免。
- Over the past several months, you lambasted McCain’s proposal to reform the tax code to include a refundable health insurance tax credit. 在过过的几个月里,你痛骂了麦凯恩在税法上包括了一项可偿还的健康保险税收抵免改革。
- It's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price. 几乎不可能商定一个划一的基本价格。
- The production tax credit for renewable forms of energy was supposed to end this December. But Congress has extended it through 2008. 可更新能源生产税收贷款原计划于在今年十二月份截止。但国会已经决定将其延长至2008年。
- The BTC created a “loophole” that allowed imported biodiesel to benefit from the tax credit, which led to significant increases in biodiesel trade. 该举措的初衷在于确保生物柴油混合燃料有能力与石油燃料竞争,从而扩大需求并刺激生物柴油加工设施领域的投资。