- Hence with reference to other nation's legislation and regulations enacted by WIPO, the author advocated that the right should be affirmed and protected in Unfair Competition Law. 因此参考各国立法及世界知识产权组织的相关规定,该项权利应在反不正当竞争法中得到确认和保护。
- Therefore, the author holds that the subjects of unfair competition should include anyone who breaches faithfulness, according to the tenet of unfair competition law. 提出应将依照反不正当竞争法的立法宗旨,将不正当竞争的主体扩大到任何违背诚实信用和商业道德的自然人或组织。
- In our country, on account of execution of Unfair Competition Law, trade secret have been the new hotspot of judicature protection, which was unacquainted to countrymen before 1993. 在我国,由于反不正当竞争法的实施,1993年以前对国人来说还属陌生的商业秘密,现已成为司法保护的新热点。
- The case cites violations of trade secrets, copyright and unfair competition laws. 诉状称,被告侵犯了商业秘密,违反了版权和不公平竞争法律。
- Compliance Officer ensuring that the adherence of unfair competition law and the rules of combating bribery are controlled regularly; 协助集团合规官员和合规官员一同定期管理,确保员工遵守不公平竞争法和反贪法;
- Anti - unfair competition law 反不正当竞争法
- anti- unfair competition law 反不正当竞争法
- unfair competition law 不正当竞争法
- Unfair competition had knocked up the once flourishing business. 不公平竞争使得一度繁荣的商业遭到了破坏。
- Return to the legislative activity from the theoretical research finally, finished the question of legislation perfects of the law against unfair competition. 最终从理论研究回归立法活动,完成反不正当竞争法的立法完善问题。
- Monopoly and unfair competition shall be prohibited in advertising operations. 在广告经营活动中,禁止垄断和不正当竞争行为。
- Legitimate domestic manufacturers are protected from unfair competition. 合法的国内生产厂商从此可以免受不公平竞争之苦。
- Competition law cases and jurisprudence interpretation II. 竞争法案例·学理精解2。
- Introduction: the Evolution of Competition Law of Canada. 加拿大竞争法演化的介绍。
- The Law of the People's Republic of China on Combating Unfair Competition was adopted by the third meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on September 2,1993,and became effective on December 1 of the same year. 1993年9月2日,第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三次会议通过了《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》,该法于1993年12月1日起施行。
- Having safeguarded the system, he should not now distort it through unfair competition. 既然他保护了银行系统,他就不应该破坏银行系统的公平竞争。
- Within the community, views differ on the introduction of competition law. 社会上对制定公平竞争法有不同的意见。
- No security company shall solicit business of underwriting by means of unfair competition. 证券公司不得以不正当竞争手段招揽证券承销业务。
- Natural relationship exits between anti-dumping law and competition law. 摘要反倾销法与竞争法存在一些天然的联系。
- The penalty for crimes of unfair competition ranges from 3 months to 1 year of detention time or a fine. 对不正当竞争犯罪的刑罚为三个月以上一年以下的监禁和一定数目的罚金。