- He feels that he received unequal treatment. 他觉得自己受到了不平等的待遇。
- More and more people senses the weak races to be subjected unequal treatment. 事实上,教育机会均等的理念不仅是世界的潮流,也是我国教育的一贯政策。
- It has been proved necessary to legislateagainst unequal treatment of women is employment. 已经证明必须立法禁止在就业中对妇女的不平等待遇。
- This unjust,unequal treatment of peolpe goes against the democratic principle of equality under the law. 这种对人不公正的、不平等的对待与法律之下人人平等的民主原则相悖。
- Mr.Thaci added: "There is no room for intimidation, discrimination or unequal treatment of anyone. 他还说:“科索沃不会容忍恐吓、歧视和对任何人的不公平对待。
- But this book isalone, silently sustants the unequal treatment and was deemed to be an unorderly book. 然而,这部奇书却是孤独的,默默地忍受着不公正的待遇,被视为“杂”书。
- In jurisprudence,it means a confirmation of equality by way of juridical protection of those who suffer inevitably unequal treatment in the history development. 在法学意义上是一种以法律的手段来确认、平衡现实生活中那些反映历史必然的以实质不平等为内容的平等;
- In the United States, racial discrimination prevails in every aspect of social life. Black people and other minorities are still suffering from unequal treatment and discrimination. 在美国,种族歧视渗透到社会生活的各个方面。黑人和其他少数族裔遭受不平等待遇和歧视的状况依然存在。
- He is unequal to dealing with the problem. 他没有能力处理该问题。
- This football match is an unequal contest. 这场足球赛是一场实力悬殊的比赛。
- He proved to be unequal to the job. 他不能胜任那个工作。
- The twins are unequal in height. 这一对孪生儿高矮不一样。
- He will not sit down under such treatment. 我不应再忍受好如此的礼遇。
- Their treatment of women is unspeakable. 他们对待妇女的方式恶劣得难以言表。
- His treatment of her was beyond endurance. 他这样对待她是无法忍受的。
- His treatment of his wife is outrageous. 他对待妻子十分蛮横。
- The imperialists forced a series of unequal treaties. 帝国主义给中国强加一系列不平等条约。
- Nobody gets preferential treatment in this office! 本办事处无论对谁均一视同仁!
- I don't like her lofty treatment of her visitors. 我不喜欢她对来访者的高傲态度。