- Freely of undulating hills of whole drainage area, gully, landform is broken, cliff sex is granite gneiss, soil is sandy loam more, thick, quality of a material differs grain. 整个流域山峦起伏、沟壑纵横、地形破碎,岩性为花岗片麻岩,土壤多为砂壤土,颗粒粗、质地差。
- The undulating hills are rich in mineral resources. 峰峦起伏的群山中蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源。
- Central Basin gentle undulating hills, the area accounted for almost half the basin above, forming a basin of the hill. 盆地中部丘陵和缓起伏,面积几乎占盆地一半以上,形成一个丘陵性盆地。
- Undulating hills on surface, ocean, sea, Bay, Lake and other special name. 月面上山岭起伏,还有洋、海、湾、湖等各种特种名称。
- This area undulating hills, vegetation is exiguous, land backbone is thin. 该地区山峦起伏,植被稀少,土地脊薄。
- Pig Tuo Hill was originally called Xuan apparatus Hill, in western Sichuan grievances, in the undulating hills in a high-obtrusive Stubbs excellence, feng shui is a Buddhist treasure land. 猪驮山原名萱帽山,位于苦水川西,在山峦起伏中一峰突兀高拔超众,是一块佛家风水宝地。
- It has undulating hills abundant with historical sites surrounded by evergreen trees.The Sunlight Rock on top of the Dragon Head Hill is the highest point of the island and the symbol of Xiamen. 岛上岗峦起伏,四季树木葱郁,鸟语花香,众多古迹掩映其中,位于龙头山顶的日光岩是全岛的最高点,也是厦门的象征。
- The township, the two sides in the Bailongjiang, undulating hills, a relatively flat topography. 全乡在白龙江两岸,山峦起伏,地势比较平坦。
- Between vineyards and ricotta farms, a field of bright red poppies dazzles those lucky enough to drive along the undulating hills of Tuscany. 有幸沿著托斯卡纳区波澜起伏的山间行使的人们会发现在葡萄园和乳酪农场之间遍布鲜红樱粟。
- Luogang's terrain of undulating hills is a regular tourist route year in and year out because of its beauty of mountains and creeks. 历代文人墨客前来游览,吟风弄月,留下不少佳话。
- In this place there were undulating hills and a dense forest here and there.From the Eastern-Han on, it was always a sparsely populated area. 区内山峦起伏、林木茂密,东汉以来一直是人烟稀疏的荒凉地区,社会生产力极其落后。
- A hill or dale in undulating country. 山谷位于波状起伏山区的山或谷
- Park undulating hills, Bitan幽深, vertical and horizontal streams, soil and water Plumper, suitable for all kinds of plant growth of the natural environment. 园内山峦起伏,碧潭幽深,溪涧纵横,水土丰润,有适宜于各种植物生长的自然环境。
- Surrounded by the sea, the undulating hills, the beautiful sea and pleasant weather, according to legend, the emperor in the East Patrol has raised horses, was named. 主要旅游资源有天然形成的月牙湾、婆婆石、石门春波;有经海风、海浪多年侵袭形成的海蚀礁、海蚀洞;
- These camphor trees edged with the undulated hill roads of the city gathered up the vast memories. 最近几天我总是一闭上眼睛就看到无边无际的香樟树。
- In the tenth place,there are magnificent redwood trees,fire-spouting volcanoes,magnificent caves,majestic peaks,undulating hills,placid lakes,winding rivers and shady banks,and there is nothing better than that. 第十,这里有雄伟的美洲杉树、喷火的火山、壮丽的山洞、巍峨的山峰、起伏的山脉、恬静的湖沼、蜿蜒的江河和多荫的水涯: 宇宙间真没有一样东西比此更好。
- It was a long trudge up the hill. 那段上山的路很难走。
- In the tenth place, there are magnificent redwood trees, fire-spouting volcanoes, magnificent caves, majestic peaks, undulating hills, placid lakes, winding rivers and shady banks, and there is nothing better than that. 第十,这里有雄伟的美洲杉树、喷火的火山、壮丽的山洞、巍峨的山峰、起伏的山脉、恬静的湖沼、蜿蜒的江河和多荫的水涯:宇宙间真没有一样东西比此更好。
- The stately mansion crested the hill. 庄严的大厦位于山顶。
- Grand County gully inside vertical and horizontal, undulating hills, complex topography, the entire topography of the North-South high, intermediate low, tilted gradually from east to west. 大宁县境内沟壑纵横,山峦起伏,地貌复杂,整个地势南北高,中间低,由东向西逐渐倾斜。