- A fine powder, such as pulverized charcoal, dusted over a stencil to transfer a design to an underlying surface. 印花粉撒于镂花模板上以便在其表面上印出图案的细粉末,如磨碎的木炭粉
- Glazed; protects the underlying surface against moisture. 上釉;防止底面受潮。
- Rubber feet underneath; stays in place on the underlying surface. 底部采用橡胶脚垫,在地面稳固放置。
- Protects the underlying surface against wear and scratching. 保护底面不被磨损或刮划。
- Soft feet; spare the underlying surface and make the bowl stand steady. 底部柔软;不会磨损接触面,而且,碗会平稳地立着。
- Can be completed with PRAKTISK self-adhesive floor protectors; protect the underlying surface against wear. 可与“普拉迪”自动粘贴式地板保护垫并用;防止底部表面磨损地板。
- Feet on the underside protect the underlying surface and keep the candelabra firmly in place. 底面带有支腿,保护与之接触的物体表面,而且,可将烛台牢牢地固定在位。
- Felt-covered underside; spares the underlying surface and keeps the statue in place. 底面覆盖毛毡;保护下表面并可固定雕像位置。
- Soft plastic feet spare the underlying surface and keep the candle tray firmly in place. 柔软的塑料底面,不会磨损接触面,而且,可将蜡烛托固定在位。
- A finepowder, such as pulverized charcoal, dusted over a stencil to transfer a design to an underlying surface. 印花粉撒于镂花模板上以便在其表面上印出图案的细粉末,如磨碎的木炭粉。
- As an important part of underlying surface,cryosphere is in the process of continuous interaction with atmosphere. 冰冻圈作为下垫面的一个重要组成部分,与大气处于不断的相互作用过程中。
- Spacial distribution of urban heat island effect is closely related to different underlying surface. 城市热岛效应的空间分布与不同下垫面环境密切相关。
- WU G M.Influence analysis of different hydrography underlying surface on runoff[J].Shanxi Hydrotechnics,2004(2):80-84. [20]武光明.;水文下垫面对河川径流的影响分析[J]
- The solar radiance diffused by a randomly-rough underlying surface might lead to increase sky radiance. 随机粗糙下垫面对入射到地表的太阳辐射的漫反射必然引起天空亮度的增加。
- The influence of the depth of seeper in plain on seeping rate of underlying surface is studied, and the relation between seeper in plain and rainfall intensity is determined. 摘要研究在降雨条件下的地面积水,积水深度的大小对于下垫面的下渗速度影响,确定平原区地面积水与雨强变化的关系。
- City underlying surface includes water area、holt、grassplot、hard ground、farmland and bare ground in the city, which is the summation of city land using. 城市下垫面包括城市范围内的水域、林地、草地、硬地面、农田和裸地,是城市土地利用的总和。
- An analysis was performed of the method and characteristics of SPOT stereopair for DEM generation and some other methods for underlying surface information extraction currently used in engineering. 摘要分析了利用SPOT卫星影像提取下垫面信息的现状,包括工程实践中通过SPOT立体像对恢复DEM的方法及其特点以及其他下垫面信息的提取方法及其特点;
- Through 20 years moving correlation analysis, from which the 6 stations show the same trendency, so it shows that their correlation is related to the degree of underlying surface desertification. 计算20年滑动相关,由6个台站一致的变化趋势得出结论:相关值的大小与下垫面的荒漠化程度有很大关系。
- The goal in restoration work is to restore a structure to its original state and to uncover the underlying surfaces of the structure without causing additional damage. 修复工程的目标是在不引起其他损坏的前提下将建筑物还原为原始状态并重现建筑物的原貌。
- The results show that the factors of basin covers, underlying surfaces, and water and soil conservation play important roles in regulation of runoff and guarantee of quality of water sources. 通过分析可以看出:流域植被、流域下垫面及水土保持等因素不仅对调节径流量起重要作用,对保证水源质量也起重要作用。