- Qanat leads to an underground river, so the desert into an oasis. 坎儿井引出了地下河水,使沙漠变成绿洲。
- Fourth, Fifth, Fei Bao underground river next to crack doline distribution. 四是暗河接飞瀑 五是地缝配天坑。
- This is a mature love that runs through an established relation ship like a mighty underground river. 这是一种成熟的爱:它像一条浩大的地下河流贯穿于既定的亲情关系中。
- The burrow system with complex any is in those days system of an underground river. 任何一个复杂的洞穴系统都是当年的一个地下河流系统。
- Holes are spacious hall, others have only the corridors, there are underground Underground River, Shuiqing can Kam. 洞中有宽敞的大厅,也有仅能过人的走廊,还有地下暗河,水清可鉴。
- That's a underground river developing along the karst cave. Some tourism recreation iterms, i. E, drifting flow, can be developed. 地下河是借溶洞管道而发育的,因存在流水而形成的地下河道,埋藏于地下的称为地下暗河,地下暗河可开展地下漂游等游乐项目。
- Haizi cave originated in the early or middle stage,Pleistocenc, Quaternary, and is a kind of afflux underground river cave. 该洞发育起于第四纪更新世早期或中期 ,属流入型地下河溶洞。
- The underground river just above the shaft had 108, the shape of a well-known Xinjiang Karez, a very rare and spectacular. 仅暗河之上的竖井就有108个,形似著名的新疆坎儿井,非常壮观和罕见。
- He found that the railway compapy had started to build the line to the west of Marlborough Hill in 1881. but they had run into an underground river. 故事讲完了,我也该睡觉了,明天还要自习,接着有考试,会有课程设计,最后还有两科统考等着自己!
- Pure and right beliefs come from the endless chase of truth. Like the little underground river that flows endlessly until it has enough power and can bring life to others. 纯正的信仰来自于对真理不懈的追求,如地下的小溪只要不停息地奔流,等待力量足够时自然会奔涌而出,润泽万物。
- They are free of turbidity, except in some limestone areas and volcanic areas with high secondary permeability where large underground rivers occur. 它们不至于浑浊、只是在灰岩地区和火山地区具有高的次生渗透性并存在大地下河时除外。
- Adventure company Waitomo Luminosa leads groups through the underground rivers riding dark rapids on inner tyres. 怀托摩鲁米诺萨(Luminosa)探险公司会带领你在黑暗中乘坐橡皮艇,穿过地下河那湍急的水流。
- On the basis of groundwater balance cure, this paper calculates groundwater recharge rate from underground river discharge and estimates maximum gushing water in mines from stream flood routing. 本文通过地下水动态过程曲线的均衡分析,以暗河排泄流量反求补给水量,并借河渠洪流估算理论预计矿井最大涌水量。
- Taking the Qumu underground river in Pingtang county,Guizhou Province as the example,it emphasizes the significance of karst groundwater exploitation in the drinking water of the country. 以贵州省平塘县巨木地下河开发示范为例强调岩溶地下水开发在解决农村饮水安全工作中地位。
- After the reservoir impounding, as the water level of the export of the underground river has been raised, the inland waterlogging disaster becomes more serious in the surrounding region. 红水河梯级水电站的百龙滩、岩滩等库区,由于岩溶地下河系统的存在,在水电站蓄水以前,每逢大雨,就会造成库区谷地的浸没内涝。
- The underground river, also known as the residence of the famous patriotic general Zhang Xueliang and his wife Lady Zhao, so people said that this is a romantic place with full of beautiful sceneries. 地下长河所在地还是著名爱国将领张学良将军夫人赵四小姐的祖居地,人称此处有两绝“景为江南一绝,情为千古绝唱”。
- Water fills the lake from underground rivers stretching as far north as Ashenvale Forest. 湖中满溢的是向北延伸至灰谷森林的地下河的水。
- Much of the action takes place within the tunnels, sewers and underground rivers of subterranean London. 这支五人越狱组同时还要小心应付“狱中之王”戴米恩.;路易斯和他的神经质兄弟斯蒂文
- Because the rock structure is largely limestone, there are many underground rivers and even vast underground lakes in Guizhou. 因为岩石大多是石灰岩,所以贵州有许多地下河,甚至巨大的地下湖。
- The river had worn a ravine between the hills. 那条河在两山之间已造成一个深谷。