- underground drill rig 坑道钻机
- Oil cooler for hydraulic circuit of engineering machinery, such as excavator, vibratile roller, car-lifter & drill rig. 用于挖掘机、振动式压路机、汽车起重机、钻井机等工程机械油压系统的油冷却器。
- The present state,application and development of coal mine hydraulic drill rig are de-scribed in this paper. 介绍了煤矿用液压钻车现状,使用情况及发展。
- Abstract: Large Diameter Fully Casing Impact Bucket Grab CGD-1 was designed and development mainly for mating the fully casing drill rig. 中文摘要: CGD-1型大口径全套管冲击抓斗主要是配套全套管钻机施工而研制的。
- YG-30 drilling rig is a full hydraulic operated top drive power head drill. 型工程钻机为全液压驱动动力头式钻机。
- The fundamental principle hardware configuration and software design of a microcomputerbascd automatic control system for winch type impact drill rig is described. 本文介绍了卷扬式冲击钻机微机自动控制系统的基本原理、硬件的组成和软件的设计。
- CS165E surface DTH drill rig is equipped with a large water tank and wet dust removel system ,There are two supplywatermodes:automati c mode and hand mode. CS165E露天潜孔钻机采用湿式除尘,配置有大容量水箱,具有自动供水和手动供水两种方式。
- The five main series of products: LHDs(Underground Loaders), Mining Dump Trucks, Drill Rigs, ANFO-Machine, Service Cars, were widely sold to the whole world. 中鸿公司的五大类产品:铲运机、矿用卡车、地质钻机、装药车、服务车等广泛出口到世界各地,并以可靠的质量、优越的性能、合理的价格、周到的服务在业内享有良好声誉。
- AC-SCR-DC mode is the best driving mode for a drilling rig. DC驱动方式是目前钻机最好的驱动传动方式。
- We circled the top of the hill where the drill rig was turning and most of the work had been done and then flew halfway down the hill so we could see visually where the outcrop from the top of the hill continued down the hill. 我们绕着山顶飞行,山顶上,钻机在转,钻探工作已完成过半,然后我们往下飞,在半山腰我们可以看见露出地面的岩层从山顶绵延而下。
- The dynamic pressure of drill bit,etc. ,has been measured and analysed in test drill rig by using pressure transducer dynamic strain analyzer,charge amplifier and CRAS random signal and vibration analysis system. 本文在试验台架上安装压力传感器、利用动态应变仪、电荷放大器以及 CRAS随机信号和振动分析系统进行了钻头动态压力测试和分析。
- The crawler makes remarkable stability and gradeability and can be widely used in slope, roof, side and floor underground drilling. 该车模块化设计,车身小、结构紧凑、重心低、机动灵活、工作稳定、爬坡能力强。
- MAN300 drilling rig is working in gravel area in West Luntai, Sinkiang. 300型钻机在新疆轮台西砾石区进行地震钻井施工。
- Some remarks on developing technique of drilling rig disc brake in China. 关于发展我国钻机盘式刹车技术的几点认识。
- A new type of mud pump with high flow, high pressure, compactness and light weight is designed for truck mounted water well drill rig, tackling the difficulty in mud pump matching. 为车装水文水井钻机设计大流量、高压力、小体积、小质量的新型泥浆泵,解决其泥浆泵配套难的问题。
- The drill rig adopts hydraulic transmission way to realize the rotation,propulsion,getting up and pulling of drill,as well as adjustment and fixing of drill rod obliquity during working. 该机工作过程中钻具的旋转、推进、起拔以及钻杆倾角的调整和固定等动作全部采用液压传动方式实现;
- Large degree of freedom of drilling frame structure can enlarger efficiently operation scope of drill rig. 多自由度钻架结构,有效地扩展了钻机的作业范围。
- Disc brake system on drilling rigs. 石油钻机盘式刹车制动系统。
- The most obvious part of a drilling rig is called"a derrick". It is used to lift sections of pipe, which are lowered intothe hole made by the drill. 钻机中最显眼的部件叫“井架”,井架用来吊升分节油管,把油管放入由钻头打出的孔中。
- John felt it hard to rig out his family. 约翰感到难以为一家大小置备衣着。