- undergraduate medical student 医学本科生
- A nonresident doctor or medical student. 不住宿的医生或医学学生。
- You forget that I was a medical student once upon a time. 你忘了我以前是个医科学生啦。
- The medical student is dedicated to finding a cure for AIDS. 这个医药学生全心投入,为了找到一种治愈爱滋病的药物。
- The medical student studies the skeleton of the human body. 医学专业的学生研究人体的尸骸。
- As a consequence there has been increasing interest in making the undergraduate medical curriculum broader than a purely scientific training in Medicine. 所以,扩充本科医学课程,而不仅仅局限于纯医学培训已经引起越来越浓厚的兴趣。
- When she was 18 she had loved a young medical student with all her heart. 她十八岁的时候,真心实意爱过一个年轻的医学院学生。
- Cooper CW (1992), Medical students' perceptions of an undergraduate general practice preceptorship, Family Practice, 9(), 323-329. 郭斐然、陈庆馀、邱泰源(1996);社区医学远距学习系统;国科会科教处;.
- When I was a medical student, I had never experienced a major bereavement. 当我在攻读医科时,我从未经历过重大的丧亲之痛。
- Medical students are trained to be doctors. 医科学生受训当医生。
- A medical student or intern. 医学生,实习医生
- "Bonded, unfunded medical student places is immoral, unjust and I think unconstitutional ," he said. 他说:“我想这是不合法律的。(缴费)抵押,没有研究经费,对医科学生来说是‘不道德’的,也是不正常的。
- Chinese undergraduate medical education standards 中国本科医学教育标准
- Research on Medical Moral Education Cognition of Medical Students. 医学大学生对医德认知的调查研究。
- They took in 161 and 155 medical students, respectively, in 2001. 二零零一年,两所大学分别录取医科学生161名及155名。
- Medical students go there for clinical practice before graduation. 学医的学生在毕业前都要到那里去进行临床实习。
- Objective To learn how medical students know about STD. 目的:了解医学生性传播疾病知识水平。
- I suggest strengthening the undergraduate curriculum in psychology and improved education for premedical and medical students to prepare them better to understand natural diversity. 我认为应加强大学部心理学课程,对于医科预备生及医学生,则需加强他们对自然界多样性的瞭解。
- Rachel no longer lived there. She had married a medical student she'd met in college. 雷切尔已不住那儿了,她和大学里认识的一名医学院的学生结了婚。
- This single case is in a 27-year-old postgraduate medical student who worked in a virology laboratory in Singapore. 这一单个病例是一名27岁的医学研究生,他在新加坡一所病毒实验室工作。