- Put the gear lever in the neutral position. 把变速杆推到空挡的位置。
- He employed his knife as a lever. 他把刀子当杠杆用。
- She had an undergraduate degree in psychology. 她有心理学的学士学位。
- Push hard and the lever will go down. 用力推就能把控制杆按下去。
- Pity is a lever for quickening love. 怜悯是加速爱情的手段。
- This lever must serve some ulterior purpose. 这撬棒准是用于不可告人的目的的。
- undergraduate lever 本科层次
- A rod or lever transmitting motion in a machine. 连杆机器中传递运动的连杆或杠杆
- The lever pressed by the finger to discharge a firearm. 扳机用手指扳动即能释放子弹的击铁或撞针的械杆
- A few years ago, sociology is the most popular subject for undergraduate. 几年之前,社会学是大学本科生最欢迎的课程。
- She read history as an undergraduate. 她在大学攻读历史
- This latest incident may be the lever needed to change government policy. 最近的事件或许可以作为迫使政府改变政策所需的手段。
- I am in my last year of undergraduate school. 这是我大学的最后一年。
- This kind of cars spares the gear lever. 这类汽车不用变速杆。
- A lever used to turn a rudder and steer a boat. 舵柄用来转动舵以驾驶船的杠杆
- Bachelor degree A first or undergraduate degree. 第一个或是大学学位。
- He is a Cambridge undergraduate. 他是剑桥大学本科生。
- The seat tilts forward, when you press this lever. 按这个控制柄,座位就向前倾斜。
- A first or undergraduate degree. 第一个或是大学学位。
- The hand-brake lever is worn out. 手煞车杆已磨损。