- Acting under the cloak of charity, he made a good income for himself from the gifts of charitable people. 他打着办慈善事业的幌子,用慈善家们的捐献中饱私囊。
- Acting under the cloak of charity,he made a good income for himself from the gifts of charitable people. 他打着办慈善事业的幌子,用慈善家们的捐献中饱私囊。
- He was hidden under the cloak of darkness. 他在夜幕的掩护下隐蔽着。
- They did it under the cloak of darkness. 他们是趁著黑夜干的。
- He deceived them under the cloak of religion. 他打着宗教的幌子欺骗他们。
- They deceived us under the cloak of peace. 他们以和平为幌子对我们进行欺骗。
- They left under the cloak of darkness. 他们在黑暗的掩护下离开了。
- under the cloak of charity 披着慈善的外衣
- He deceived them under the veil of charity. 他借慈善事业为名欺骗了他们。
- They did so under the mask of charity. 他们是打着慈善的幌子这么做的。
- Therefore, I must walk quietly under the cloak of night. 所以,我必须平静地走在夜覆盖下。
- He did it under the mask of charity. 他借慈善之名做此事。
- Under the cloak of bidding for a contract,I was able to find out quite a lot about their future business plans. 以出价投标购买合同为掩护,我设法查明了他们未来的经营计划。
- Under the cloak of bidding for a contract, I was able to find out quite a lot about their future business plans. 以出价投标购买合同为掩护,我设法查明了他们未来的经营计划。
- Under the cloak of objective reporting the reporter can be as tendentious as the writer who openly expresses his own opinion. 在客观报道的伪装下,记者发表偏见的可能性,实不亚于一个公然发表私见的作家。
- The BLACK tactical squad operates under the cloak of complete anonymity and deniability to protect the US from threats foreign and domestic. 图象表现非常有保证,本作讲述的是一个虚构的历史,在肯尼迪总统被刺杀之后,一个高度机密的组织悄然出现,甚至连总统都不知道他们的存在。
- As for the religion, it did not forgive the" sin" of Tess, while the real sinner Alec carrying on the lascivious activities was under the cloak of religion. 宗教没有宽恕一个无罪的女人,而真正的罪人亚雷·伯却披上了宗教的外衣,这说明宗教是虚伪的。
- As for the religion, it did not forgive the "sin" of Tess, while the real sinner Alec carrying on the lascivious activities was under the cloak of religion. 宗教没有宽恕一个无罪的女人,而真正的罪人亚雷·德伯却披上了宗教的外衣,这说明宗教是虚伪的。
- One thousand seven hundred years ago, during the celebration of the two moons, the enemy forayed over powered the villagers under the cloak of darkness. 1700年前,在两月庆祝之时,敌人劫掠了并统治了村庄,将它置于黑暗的压迫之下。
- It is very state of the music under the cloak of worship hooligan fans as the standard of taste, and these blind fans of the rogue standard, then what is it? 那就是以非常态的披着音乐外衣崇拜的歌迷流氓的口味为标准,而这些盲目的歌迷流氓的标准又是什么?