- A person such as a minor who have a right under the authority of a guardian. 如一个未成年人的权利,他的权利受监护人的管辖。
- To seize and hold under the authority of law. 逮捕依法抓捕并拘留
- We acted under the authority of the UN. 我们是经联合国授权行动的。
- A person such as a minorwho have a right under the authority of a guardian. 如一个未成年人的权利,他的权利受监护人的管辖。
- The university was chartered under the authority of the Ministry of Science. 这所大学是科技部特许设立的。
- Wives, be under the authority of your husbands, as is right in the Lord. 你们作妻子的、当顺服自己的丈夫、这在主里面是相宜的。
- CMC Markets opens New Zealand office in Auckland under the authority of the New Zealand Securities Commission. 2006年,CMC Markets新西兰公司在奥克兰成立,并接受新西兰证券委员会监管;
- Operational control is in the hands of the United Nations, since UN peacekeeping functions under the authority of the Security Council. 维和行动的控制权在联合国,因为联合国维和行动是在安全理事会的权威之下运作的。
- Everyone is under the authority of the Divine Mother, Mahamaya, the Primal Energy. 每个人都在神圣母亲,摩诃摩耶,原初能量的权威之下。
- Both kingdoms are under the authority of Christ, but are administered in diverse ways. 两个国度都处在基督的权柄之下,但是却按着不同的方法来管理。
- Operational control is in the hands of the United Nations,since UN peacekeeping functions under the authority of the Security Council. 维和行动的控制权在联合国,因为联合国维和行动是在安全理事会的权威之下运作的。
- The Trusteeship Council, operating under the authority of the General Assembly shall assist the General Assembly in carrying out these functions. 二、托管理事会于大会权力下,应协助大会履行上述之职务。
- All have now placed themselves under the authority of Gregory Venables, the conservative archbishop of South America's southern cone. 现在他们都服从南美洲南锥地区的保守派大主教GregoryVenables的领导。
- If they gave in to George III, they might have to live under the authority of Anglican bishops or even - in western portions of America - the Pope. 如果他们对英王乔治三世投降,他们可能必须要生活在英国国教的主教或甚至是罗马天主教教皇(指在美国西部各州)的控制之下。
- Missions and activitiesThe internship, under the authority of the AP department manager is in charge:- To assist...... ... 公司名称:标致雪铁龙(中国)汽车贸易有限公司上海分公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-5-20
- The Chief Range Officer is responsible for the fair and equitable application of all procedural and scoring rules (under the authority of the Range Master). 另外总靶场主任也负责执行程序与计分规定的公正与公平性(由靶场总监所授权)。
- In an internal relay domain, messages are relayed to a server that is outside your Exchange organization, but still under the authority of your company or IT department. 在内部中继域中,邮件将中继到在Exchange组织外部但仍受您公司或IT部门控制的服务器。
- You can look under the author rs name. 你可以在作者名下找。
- Under the authority of the senior official (often called the senior ranking officer, or SRO), a POW must be prepared to escape whenever the opportunity presents itself. 在上级军官的指挥下,战俘必须准备利用任何机会逃脱。
- IN A nice twist of missionary history, several of America's oldest and richest Anglican parishes now claim to be under the authority of African bishops. 这是一次传教士历史的转折,几个美国历史最悠久最富裕的圣公会教区现在要求改投非洲主教的麾下。