- Prisoner is forbid to approach the fence under pain of death. 犯人严禁接近围栏,违者格杀勿论。
- Prisoners were forbidden to approach the fence under pain of death. 犯人严禁接近围栏,违者格杀勿论。
- It is forbidden under pain of death. 违犯者处死。
- We'd better be back on time, under pain of death. 我们最好按时回去,不然就完蛋了。
- The bishop commanded them under pain of interdict. 主教指挥他们,若不从将被停止教权。
- He was banished from this country under pain of death. 他被这个国家驱逐出境, 回来就得处死。
- So the king issued a proclamation for all marriageable girls to come to the garden, under pain of death, to try to pick the pomegranates. 国王立即派人贴出布告,让每个待嫁的姑娘都到王宫花园来试着摘石榴,违令者斩首。
- Fortunately, however, for the reputation of Asteroid B-612, a Turkish dictator made a law that his subjects, under pain of death, should change to European costume. 幸好,土耳其的一个独裁者,为了小行星B612的声誉,迫使他的人民都要穿欧式服装,否则就处以死刑。
- It is because we ourselves are hurt that we can understand the Oliver Wendell Holmes, "A man must share the sorrows and joys of those around him under pain of not having lived. 这是因为只有在我们受到伤害的时候,我们才会明白奥里佛·温尔德·霍尔姆斯所说的“一个人必须在没有经历过的痛苦中,与周围的人分担忧伤,共享快乐。”
- Fortunately, however, for the reputation of Asteroid B612, a Turkish dictator made a law that his subjects, under pain of death, should change to European costume. 幸运地,因小行星B612的声望,使得土耳其的一位独裁君主颁定一项法律,规定每一位臣民必须改换欧洲人服饰,违令者死。
- He sequestered Father Nicanor in the nike dunks parish house under pain of execution nike dunks prohibited him from saying mass or ringing the bells unless shoes was for dunks Liberal victory. 揉搓,一边低下头去,含住了红色的小乳头用舌尖轻轻地舔着,一边右手食指、拇指捏住她乳头轻轻搓着,一股股电流一样的刺激直冲她全身,她忍不住浑身微微颤栗,乳头渐渐硬了起来。
- The pain of the disease caused him habitually to furrow his brow. 病痛使他习惯性地紧皱眉头。
- He doubled up with the pain of the blow . 他因受击而疼得弯下了身。
- He was told to leave the country on pain of death. 他被勒令离境,违则处死。
- On your face,I see the pain of a marriage gone bad. 在你的脸上,我看到了一桩失败婚姻留下的痛苦。
- She suffered from the nameless pain of existence. 她遭受着生存的无名痛苦。
- She was nearly crying from the pain of her cut leg. 割破的腿疼痛得使她几乎要哭了。
- Yet another suffered the pain of personal rebuke. 可是,又有一个尝到了挨骂的滋味。
- The pain of pancreatitis is epigastric in location. 胰腺的疼痛位于上腹部。
- It was prohibited on pain of death. 违者处死。