- The priest made a deathbed confession. 牧师做了临终忏悔。
- uncorroborated confession [法] 无确证的证词; 未确认的供认
- I have to confess to a hatred of modern literature. 我得承认我不喜欢现代文学作品。
- I confess to being proud of my son's success. 我自认以儿子的成功为荣。
- The police tricked him into making a confession. 警察哄骗他作了招认。
- I always go to confession on Fridays. 我总是每星期五去作忏悔。
- The police trapped him into a confession. 警察设圈套使他招供。
- Has the thief made a confession yet? 窃贼招供了吗?
- I confess to being astonished at this unexpected statement. 我承认对这种未预料到的供词感到吃惊。
- He refused to confess to his crime. 他拒绝认罪。
- The police tortured him to confess his crime. 警察拷打他,逼他招供。
- A deathbed confession; deathbed pallor. 临死前的忏悔; 临终前的苍白
- By clever questioning they trapped him into making a confession. 他们用巧妙的提问诱使他招认了。
- After confession he feels a little better and can sleep at ease. 忏悔之后他觉得好过一点,并且能安眠了。
- The police tried to twist his words into a confession. 警察试图曲解他的话,使之成为有罪的招供。
- Her statement is tantamount to a confession of guilt. 她的供述等于认罪。
- Caught in the act, he had no alternative but to confess. 他被当场抓住,除了招供别无出路。
- What he said could be construed into a confession. 她的话可以看成是一份自供。
- They wrung a confession from the prisoner. 他们从犯人口中逼取了口供。
- The thief made a confession in bits and pieces. 窃贼吞吞吐吐作了招供。