- uncontested owrer [法] 无争执的所有人
- An easy or uncontested win in a competition. 轻易取胜在竞技中轻而易举或没有对手取得的胜利
- To gain an easy or uncontested victory. 轻易得胜轻而易举或未逢敌手地取得胜利
- These claims have not gone uncontested. 这些说法并非无人提出异议。
- To gainan easy or uncontested victory. 轻易得胜轻而易举或未逢敌手地取得胜利。
- In the confusion, James drove in for an uncontested layup. 在这种混乱的情况下,詹姆斯轻松的上篮成功。
- How could the abbot allow this to continue uncontested?Does he even know? 方丈怎麽可能允许此继续无可争议?
- The ever stubborn Scottish also prevent the King of England from having uncontested control of the British Isles. 而更为顽固的苏格兰人也会阻止英格兰成为不列颠的绝对统治力量。
- A person in a position of uncontested authority or influence,especially a powerful political leader. 首领处于无可非议的权力或影响的位置的人,尤其指有势力的政治领导者
- There are many adult Singaporeans who have yet to cast their votes because they happen to live in constituencies uncontested by the opposition. 有些公民活了大半辈子,都还没有履行过公民的权力,因为其所居住的选区的候选人每一次都在无对手的情况下不战而胜。
- The Pistons can't spell "uncontested" -- they prefer the technique of knocking Jordan to the floor. 活塞队中没有松懈这个词,他们更热衷于把乔丹撞倒在地板上的技术。
- It's hard to give a unified end uncontested definition of the term of scientific realism. 为科学实在论给出一个一致的、毫无争议的形式定义是十分困难的。
- Are you satisfied with the election results of your constituency, including those candidates elected uncontested? 你满唔满意自己所属选区既选举结果,包括无须投票而自动当选者?
- Blue ocean strategy : how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant. 其他书名开创无人竞争的全新市场.
- This year, 14 of the 30 functional constituency seats are uncontested, leaving a total of 46 seats available. 今年30席起决定作用的组织中的14席自动当选,使得总共有46席可由选举产生。
- Debtors, creditors of claims recorded in Table uncontested claims, the people's court ruling confirmed. 债务人、债权人对债权表记载的债权无异议的,由人民法院裁定确认。
- Inflammation is not uncontested as a theory of aging.There are many competing hypotheses. 炎症理论作为有关老化的理论并非毫无争议的,相反存在许多对立的假说。
- They have since been reconciled. The revised book says the Prime Minister is believed to back an uncontested divorce. 新书指出,面对这毫无争议的离婚诉求,老贝一定会同意。
- Japan among the industrialized nations is almost certainly the uncontested champion with regard to earthquake frequency and intensity. 就地震频率和强度而言,日本在工业化国家中几乎肯定是无可争辩的冠军。