- The influences of the mixing amount of curing agent and curing age on the unconfined compression strength are discussed by determining the strength. 通过测定水泥土及水泥-粉煤灰加固土的无侧限抗压强度,探讨固化剂掺量、龄期对抗压强度的影响;
- The long-term unconfined compression strength of cemented soil is the important design parameter of cemented soil mixed pile composite foundation. 水泥土的无侧限长期抗压强度是水泥土搅拌桩复合地基设计的重要参数。
- Then, it is illustrated that M0 can be used to predict unconfined compression strength and the number of standard penetration and the failure strain. 另外,探讨了用初始综合结构因子M0预估水泥土样的无侧限抗压强度、标贯击数、破坏应变的可能性。
- With the linear regression analysis, the relationship between unconfined compression strengths and blow counts of SPT is obtained. 用线性回归分析的方法,得到无侧限抗压强度值与标贯击数的关系;
- However, when the fine content goes up to more than 10%, the unconfined compression strengths tend to decrease due to the change of soil structure. 另一方面,随著细料含量之增加,剪力强度亦有相同提高之趋势,但细料含量大于10%25后,因结构之改变造成无围压缩强度有下降之趋势。
- Through the unconfined compression test and triaxial rigidity test without drain, the authors studied the properties and influence of different formula for the clay-cement grout. 通过对不同配比的粘土-水泥浆液结石体的室内无侧限抗压强度试验以及三轴固结不排水试验,揭示了各因素对粘土-水泥浆液结石体性质的影响。
- Then a strength equation related with the electrical resistivity of soil-cement was obtained by analyzing the results of unconfined compression strength test. 然后通过对水泥土无侧限抗压强度试验结果的分析,得到了强度与水泥土电阻率的关系式,它们具有较好的线性相关性。
- At the same mixing ratio of cement, the unconfined compression strength of cement-stabilized-soil which contains 5% of humus is only 1/3 of the normal cement-stabilized-soil. 当其他条件相同时,含腐殖酸(质量分数为5%25)水泥土的无侧限抗压强度是普通水泥土的1/3左右;
- According to the experimental results, adding cement into the sands containing fine contents will significantly be enhanced the unconfined compression strength. 经由试验结果发现,添加水泥于含细料砂质土壤内并加以混合搅拌,对于剪力强度的提供有著明显的效果。
- The curing dates are 7d, 28d, and 60d. Unconfined compression test, X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) test are performed. 试块在标准养护至7、28和60天时取出进行无侧限抗压试验、X射线衍射试验以及扫描电子显微镜和能谱分析。
- Method for unconfined compression test of soils 土壤无侧限压缩实验方法
- In situ SPT tests on columns and unconfined compressive strength of core samples are consistent with the above results. 双向水泥土搅拌桩搅拌均匀,桩身水泥土的微观结构、物理力学性质沿桩身分布均匀。取芯和标贯试验论证了上述结果。
- It is not perfect to select the parameter system whose key parameter is unconfined compressive strength (UCS). 选择以单轴抗压强度为核心的参数系统作为刀具设计依据是不完善的。
- Laboratory testing included sieve analyses and unconfined compressive strength testing. 实验室测试包括筛分析及无侧限抗压强度测试。
- the unconfined compression strength 无侧限抗压强度
- unconfined compression apparatus 无侧限压缩仪
- These specimens were cured in sealed plasticbags and subjected to the same unconfined compressive strength testing as the laboratoryspecimens. 这些标本全部治愈,装在密封塑料袋,以及同样的无侧限抗压强度测试实验室标本。
- Artificial neural network is used in the predicting of unconfined compressive strength , obtains higher precision in predicting outcome, with definite guiding purpose for project. 应用人工神经网络对水泥石灰稳定风积砂无侧限抗压强度进行预测,预测结果有较高的精度,同时对工程具有一定的指导意义。
- The micromechanism of strength increase with curing time for compacted cement-soil was investigated by unconfined compressive strength experiment and microstructure observation. 通过室内试验,分析了养护龄期及配合比对二灰土的抗剪性和压缩性的影响。
- Leaching tests were conducted and a conclusion was drawn that the change of unconfined compressive strength of clay taken from Guizhou is relevant to the goethite content of clay. 基于量子化学和结构化学理论,通过试验和计算得出红黏土胶结本质及微观结构模型参数,并建立该黏土无侧限抗压强度与针铁矿质量之间的定量关系。