- unborn inventions. 未来的发明
- Is it true that classical music is good for an unborn baby? 古典音乐是不是真的对胎教有好处?
- We must invent an excuse for being late. 我们必须编一个迟到的藉口。
- We must invent an excuse for our absence. 我们必须为缺席编造一个藉口。
- We should be responsible for the generation as yet unborn. 我们应该对下一代负责。
- Politician take no interest in eugenics because the unborn have not vote. 政治家对优生学不感兴趣,因为未出生者并无选举权。
- Few people gave countenance to some of the greatest inventions or discoveries. 有些最伟大的发明和发现最初是很少有人支持的。
- Zoe knows no more of it than the child unborn. 佐伊对此事一无所知。
- Many great inventions signalize the last 150 years. 许多伟大的发明使过去的一百五十年放出异彩。
- Modern inventions facilitate housework. 现代的许多发明使家务简单多了。
- Abortion is the killing of another (unborn) person. 堕胎乃是杀一个(还未出生的)人。
- Newspapers are full of inventions. 报纸充满虚构的故事。
- He is as innocent as a baby unborn. 像婴儿般天真,纯洁无瑕。
- Edison said, I find what the world needs, then I go ahead and try to invent it. 爱迪生说:“我先发现世界需要什么,然后开始着手并努力发明它”。
- Carrying an unborn child;pregnant. 妊娠的;怀孕的
- I invent the story about the man on my way home. 在回家的路上,我虚构了有关那个人的故事。
- Therefore, an unborn fetus is alive, just like us. 因此,胎儿的生命,是和我们一样的。
- At this very moment there are probably important inventions lying fallow. 就在目前这个时刻,说不定还有一些重要的创造发明尚未发挥作用。
- Using a scanner, we can look at the unborn foetus. 我们用扫描器可以观察未出生的胎儿。
- Inventions create a necessity for new terms. 有新的发明就需要有新的术语。