- unattached gingiva 非附着龈
- Not in love or married; unattached. 未婚的没有谈恋爱或未结婚的; 未婚的
- An unattached body cell, such as a blood or lymph cell. 活细胞孤立的身体细胞,例如血球细胞、淋巴细胞
- He was still unattached at the age of 34. 他34岁时还是单身。
- People unattached to any political organization. 同任何政治组织无联系的人们。
- Not in love or married;unattached. 未婚的没有谈恋爱或未结婚的;未婚的
- Not secured in place;unattached. 浮置的没有固定在一处的;未结合在一起的
- Not secured in place; unattached. 浮置的没有固定在一处的;未结合在一起的
- The centre is unattached to any hospital or clinic. 这个中心不附属于任何医院或诊所。
- Who you are is unattached and unshaken. 谁您是是独立和坚定的。
- Finished boxes and unattached pieces. 做好了的盒子和未组装的部件。
- As an unattached subject, accounting has its own rule. 摘要会计学作为一门独立的学科,有其自身特有的规律。
- "Learning" has relative unattached value in "The Analects". 摘要“学”在《论语》中具有相对独立的价值。
- The involved mucose was mainly on the cheek, tongue, lip and gingiva. 虽发生率高,但只要仔细观察、有效护理,是可以降低口腔粘膜炎发生程度的。
- Gingiva, chin, lip, check and mandible are the most commonly injuried sites. 下颌骨骨折最常见。 软组织伤多见于龈、颏、唇、颊。
- The moral is: Unattached to wealth and power, happiness increases. 这个故事的寓意是:放弃财富和权势,快乐源源而至。
- An unattached body cell,such as a blood or lymph cell. 活细胞孤立的身体细胞,例如血球细胞、淋巴细胞
- The moral is: Unattached to wealth and power,happiness increases. 这个故事的寓意是:放弃财富和权势,快乐就会源源而至。。
- It pays to stay flexible, unattached, and uncommitted. 基因宁愿为保持灵活、独立和自由付出些代价。
- Unattached (loose) parts for assembling 1 x 40 feet container. 本信息价值5点积分;建议回复日期2006-01-27之前.