- Basically ultrasonic vibrations are used to dislodge both plaque and tartar from the tooth surface . 医生只要开动超声波工作手机使之接触牙石,牙石就会自动脱落。
- Abdel-Reihim M, Reit W. Practical applications for solidification of metals and alloys under ultrasonic vibrations [J]. Metall-bericht, 1984,38(12): 1156. 赵忠兴;穆光华;黄金日;等.;超声波对铸造铝合金组织和性能的影响[J]
- An overview of the research on vibration of large sized ultrasonic vibrators is presented. 文章中介绍了大尺寸超声振动体的研究进展。
- Put forward a new kind of polishing method which compounded ultrasonic vibration with magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) process. 摘要提出将超声振动附加于磁粒研磨过程中的思想。
- Experiments of diamond turning of stainless steel are taken on a fine lathe by utilizing ultrasonic vibration. 对刀具的振动频率和振幅的影响进行了理论分析。
- During machining, ultrasonic vibration of workpiece can improve the machining process. 在加工过程中,通过超声波振动,工件加工工艺得到改善。
- A new special diamond drill which combines ultrasonic vibrating with grinding of diamond grits is introduced. 介绍一种新研制的能把超声振动和金刚石磨粒磨削结合在一起的特种金刚石钻头。
- The method of ultrasonic vibration lapping on the spiral-bevels and hypoid gears was first presented. 提出螺旋锥齿轮超声振动复合研磨的方法,介绍了其原理;
- Frequent ultrasonic vibration will immediately soften the pores, emulsify and clean dirt and residue. 频繁的超声波振动能在短时间内软化您的毛孔,乳化和清洁您肌肤上的脏物和残渣。
- Ultrasonic vibration electrical discharge machining (UEDM) in gas is proposed in this paper. 本文主题是关于气体保护超声波振动电火花加工(uedm)。
- The results showed, the rhe- ology was best when the ultrasonic vibration time was 10min. 实验结果表明超声作用时间为10 min时流动性最好。
- The resonance of sonic wave vibration is the key technology in the ultrasonic vibration drilling. 超声振动钻削中声振系统的共振是实现超声振动钻削的关键技术问题。
- The motion process of an abrasive grit during face grinding is analyzed based on the motion diagram of ultrasonic vibration assisted grinding. 根据超声振动辅助磨削运动图,分析了平面磨削时单颗磨粒的运动过程;
- Cheng G M,Zeng P,Qiu X Y,et al.Study on ultrasonic vibration antifriction phenomenon[J].Piezoelectrics and Acoustooptics,1998,20 (5):322-325. [5]程光明;曾平;邱晓阳;等.;超声振动减摩现象的研究[J]
- WHC series of Ultrasonic vibrating screen is a high sophisticated screening equipment.It consists of ultrasonic producer and vibrating screen. 根据多年精细分级的经验,研制出拥有独立知识产权的WHC超声波振动筛分机。
- Soft material damps down vibrations. 柔软的材料可防震。
- Ultrasonic vibration technology was used to extract loosely sorbed phosphorus fraction in the sediments from Guanting Reservoir. 用超声技术提取沉积物样品中松散结合态磷,并与振荡提取结果进行比较。
- Through the investigation of roughness and topography of workpie ces by means of SEM, that ultrasonic vibration honing is better than no... 借助于SEM分析了试件表面粗糙度和表面形貌,结果表明,超声振动珩磨明显优于普通珩磨。
- Based on the analysis of microstructure and removal mechanism of PCD, the mechanism of ultrasonic vibration lapping for PCD is investigated. 在分析聚晶金刚石(PCD)材料的微观结构和去除机理的基础上,对PCD材料的超声振动研磨机理进行了深入研究。