- Research and practice of fluid lifting technique at ultra high water cut stage in Tong 61 Block 通61断块特高含水期提液技术研究与实践
- Reservoir management in high water cut stage. O Chen Yueming. 高含水期油藏经营管理
- Technologies of EOR in late stage of high water cut in Wenzhong oilfield. 文中油田高含水后期提高采收率技术
- Practice and understanding for water plugging of Renqiu buried hill reservoir in high water cut period. 任丘潜山油藏高含水期的堵水实践与认识
- Low oil?steam ratio and high water cut occurred after multicycle huff and puff in heavy oil block. 稠油区块经过多轮次蒸汽吞吐之后出现油汽比低、含水高的问题。
- It plays a very important role which can't be replaced by separate injection in the later stage of high water cut period. 在高含水后期油田开发中发挥了分注等工艺措施替代不了的作用。
- Linpan complex fault block oil field, after more than 20 years waterflood development, has already in high water cut period. 临盘复杂断块油田,通过20多年的注水开发,已进入高含水期。
- The correct analysis of oil well high water cut causes can provide criteria for well logging detection methods selection. 油井高含水原因的正确分析,可以为测井检测方法的选择提供依据,应用实例方法有效。
- Started in 1972 the injecting polymer field test on small well*.interval and in super high water cut period is one of the earliest polymer drive test. 1972年开展的萨北油田小井距特高含水期注聚合物矿场试验,是我国最早的聚合物驱油试验之一。
- During the Tenth Five-Year Plan period,the development of Sanan Oilfield in Daqing area entered the late stage of high water cut. 在十五期间,大庆萨南油田进入了高含水开发后期,原油集输系统存在设施老化、负荷不均衡、能耗高及运行效率低等问题。
- When waterflood oilfield has entered high water cut stage, enhanced development is an important way of improving development response. 注水开发油田进入高含水期开采后,进一步强化油田开发过程是提高注水油田开发效果的重要途径。
- Remaining oil distribution in high water cut stage of Wenliu oilfield is studied using a number of data of production,log and testing. 利用大量的生产、测井及监测等资料对文留油田高含水后期剩余油分布进行了研究,指出剩余油主要富集于层内低渗透段、层间状况差异大且物性差的层;
- It is a reference example for complex fault-block oilfield to control water cut and stabi lize oil production in high water cut stage. 为复杂断块油田高含水期的控水稳油,提供了一个可供借鉴的实例。
- Since Block Lun 16 of Baise Oilfield has stepped into high water cut production phase, an effective profile control/water shutoff technology was applied to improve oil recovery. 百色油田仑16块已进入高含水采油期,为改善区块开发效果,提高采收率,调剖堵水是一项有效的工艺技术措施。
- In the late high water cut stage of complex fault block reservoir, the attic oil at the high point of the structure is difficult to be developed economically and effectively. 复杂断块油藏进入高含水后期,位于构造高部位的“阁楼油”难以经济而有效地开发。
- We got the conclusion that the divert fracturing technology is a new re-fracturing technique at the high water cut stage for low permeability oil res... 提出了转向压裂技术是靖安油田低渗透油藏高含水期一种新的重复压裂工艺技术。
- Severe interlayer interference and reserves production imbalance occur in the late high water cut stage in the complex fault block reservoirs of the Dongxin Oilfield. 东辛油田是多油层复杂断块油藏,开发后期存在层间干扰严重和储量动用不均衡的问题。
- Abstract: After 20 years development,Pucheng Oilfield has been in the high water cut stage,whose production is in descending stage and the water cut is 92%. 摘 要: 濮城油田经过近20年的开发,目前已进入高含水递减期,综合含水已达92%25。
- Grey theory is used to predict variation of water content in the plugged intervals in wells with high water cut, and calculate production through unplugging. 通过运用灰色理论预测高含水井层系的含水变化情况,并进行去堵求产,取得了较好的效果。
- Displacing oil and water by gas is very effective, showing gas storage construction in late high water cut stage will have good gas injection and preservation capability. 天然气驱油和水的效果十分明显,说明高含水后期油藏进行储气库建设,其注气、储气能力较好。