- Abstract: The presentation will discuss the Fine Water Mist Fire Protection System used on the Alpine Project, a 60,000 BPD Oil and Gas Production Facility located on the North Slope of Alaska. 摘要:介绍将讨论细水雾消防系统使用的阿尔卑斯山项目,一个60000 BPD的石油和天然气生产设施位于北坡的阿拉斯加。
- To develop the new type of marine special fine water mists fire fighting technique, tiny-pressure-difference full ejectors technique (TFE) was researched. 为实现新型的船舶特种细水雾灭火技术,特提出并深入研究了微差全引射技术。
- Numerical modeling of the effect of fine water mist on the small scale flame spreading over solid combustibles 超细水雾影响小型火焰在固体可燃物上蔓延的数值模型
- A New Fire-fighting Technique Based on Special Fine Water Mists in Ships 舰船火灾的特种细水雾施救技术研究
- Study on APV Optical Road Arrangement in Measurement Water Mist[J]. 引用该论文 秦俊;廖光煊;王喜世;刘江虹;姚斌.
- An ultra fine cemented carbide with tungsten powder and binder cobalt. 一种由碳化钨和粘结金属钴组成的超细颗粒硬质合金。
- NFPA 750,Standard on Water mist Fire Protection Systems.1996. 细水雾灭火系统设计、施工及验收规范.
- Ultra fine particles (UFP) are normally defined as micronized particles. 根据用途不同,超微颗粒通常定义为微米级或者纳米级颗粒。
- Efficiency: Quickly deliver ultra fine moisturizing and nourishing essences into skin, replenish water, reconstruct the natural moisturizing screen of cuticle, and reserve water for a whole day. 功效:高倍超微细水润营养成份,迅速渗透,即效补湿。重建角质层天然保湿屏障,全天候锁紧水份。
- Full size enclosure fire tests to evaluate water mist fire suppression. 全尺寸空间细水雾灭火实验及灭火效果评价。
- Special ultra fine sub micron grade for high speed milling especially for mould making. 特别适合高速铣削的晶粒度为超细的牌号,特别适合模具制造。
- Water mist sprayer is a component of water mist fire-sprinkling system. 高速水雾喷头是水雾喷水灭火系统中的一个组成部件。
- Technology of water mist duster with power is a new dust Removal technology. 荷电水雾除尘技术是一种新型的除尘技术。
- Modified EPDMs of different hardness were prepared by adding some ultra fine fillers into them, then blended with PP. 加入超细改性无机刚性粒子提高三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)的硬度,再与聚丙烯(PP)进行共混。
- Masses of water mist often float by the surface of pools in summer mornings. 夏季清晨的水塘上面时常飘浮着团团的水雾。
- Some suggestions are provided on deve loping ultra fine fibre man made leather in our country. 对超细纤维人造革的生产工艺技术和产品性能做了一些介绍,并对我国发展超细纤维人造革产品提出了一些建议。
- The ultra fine WO 3 powder was prepared by colloidal chemistry method, sol gel and polymerized complex method. 通过胶溶法、溶胶凝胶法、聚合络合法合成了超细三氧化钨粉体。
- In recent years,appended Inhibitors in ultra fine cemented carbides are studied at home and abroad. 近几年以来国内外对超细硬质合金中添加抑制剂进行了大量的研究。
- A novel reactive precipitation process was used to prepare ultra fine salbutamol sulfate powders. 以沙丁胺醇和硫酸为反应物,在异丙醇溶液中采用反应结晶法制备超细硫酸沙丁胺醇颗粒。
- The blue-white brilliants are the stones of the "finest water". 兰白色的宝石是光泽度最好的钻石。