- ulcerous chancre 瘙疳
- He eats only bland food because of his ulcer. 他患溃疡,只能吃无刺激性的食物。
- The old man has a stomach ulcer. 那个老人得了胃溃疡。
- A bacterium is identified as the cause for his duodenal ulcer. 一种细菌被断定为造成他十二指肠溃疡的根源。
- An ulcer located at the initial point of entry of a pathogen. 初疮病原体最初侵入的那点处的溃疡
- A bacterium was identified as the cause for his duodenal ulcer. 一种细菌被断定为造成他十二指肠溃疡的根源。
- An ulcer or an ulcerous condition. 溃或溃疡的状态
- Marked by or infected with canker;ulcerous. 溃疡感染的具有溃疡特征的或感染上溃汤的;溃烂的
- Syhilis, in its primary form, may produce a chancre on the lips. 原发型梅毒可在唇上产生下疳。
- Marked by or infected with canker; ulcerous. 溃疡感染的具有溃疡特征的或感染上溃汤的;溃烂的
- An ulcer perforates the duodenal wall. 溃疡使十二指肠壁穿孔。
- The specific area of infection will develop a chancre. 感染的特定区域将发展为下疳。
- He has been operated on for his duodenal ulcer . 他已因十二指肠溃疡而作了手术。
- To develop an ulcer;become ulcerous. 产生溃疡;溃烂
- A small festering sore or ulcer;a pustule. 脓疤小的疮痛处、溃疡或脓疱
- To develop an ulcer; become ulcerous. 产生溃疡;溃烂
- A watery, acrid discharge from a wound or ulcer. 脓液从伤口溃疡中流出的液体,毒液
- He has been operated on for his duoedenal ulcer. 他已因十二指肠溃疡而作了手术。
- The remaining ulcer is epitheliazed. 遗留的溃疡表皮化了。
- Also have a few patients, do not know to suffer from syphilis chancre even. 也有一些患者,甚至于不知道患有梅毒下疳。