- The Faunastic Characteristics of Terrestrial Isopoda of Typical Zones in China 中国典型地带陆生等足类的区系特点
- Records and descriptions of 29 soil ciliates (Ciliophora: Kinetofragminophorea)in typical zones of China 中国典型地带29种土壤纤毛虫记述(纤毛门:动基片纲)
- It was typical of her to forget. 她这人就是爱忘事。
- Species Construction and Distribution of Terrestrial Isopoda in Typical Zones of China 中国典型地带陆生等足类的种类组成和分布
- He answered with typical curtness. 他像往常一样,回答时唐突无礼。
- The earth is divided into 24 time zones. 地球被分为二十四个时区。
- Is this behaviour typical of the male sex? 这种行为是雄性特有的吗?
- This is a typical bourgeois neighborhood. 这是一个典型的中产阶级地区。
- This painting is typical of his early work. 这幅画是他早期的代表作。
- The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。
- It was typical of him to be so merciless. 只有他才会这么冷酷无情。
- The fragrance typical of a wine or liqueur. 酒香酒或甜酒的独特香味
- Supplies were parachuted into the earthquake zone. 救援物资已空投到地震区。
- Serving as an illustration; typical. 典范的作为例证的; 代表性的
- That outburst was a typical example of his lack of self-control. 他那次发作是他缺乏自制力的典型事例。
- Some people live in Torrid Zone. 有些人生活在热带。
- I'd like to see Europe as a nuclear-free zone. 我希望欧洲成为无核区。
- The troops detrained near the battle zone. 部队在战区附近下了火车。
- This chair is typical of Anthony's way of designing furniture. 这把椅子是安东尼式家具设计的代表。
- She is a typical Taurus/Taurean/has a typical Taurean personality. 她有典型的金牛座性格。