- First, this novel is a typical Bildungsroman by analyzing the structure and typical images in every scenes. 首先,主要通过对文章的结构以及对各个结构中具有代表意象的分析出这是一部典型的成长小说。
- The typical images are "wind" image, "cloud" image, "dew" image, "stone" image. 典型意象是“风”意象、“云”意象、“露”意象、“石”意象。
- The typical images of the reversed cobras sneeking into the bladder were the speciality of IVP. IVP表现为典型的头向下潜入膀胱内的“眼镜蛇”征象。
- Typical images and diffraction patterns, obtained by the technique are also shown. (Courtesy Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.). 这项技术将可以广泛地用来研究超快的生物与物理现象。
- The interlocking of party control and societal influences has determined the typical images of “Chinese Women” suited to particular periods of time. 党的领导和社会变革的相互作用最终决定了杂志在不同时期所塑造的典型的中国女性形象。
- Companies such as Hertz, Avis and Europcar globalised their advertising campaigns by portraying typical images such as the busy executive. 赫兹(Hertz),安飞士(Avis),欧洲汽车(Eurocar)这些汽车租赁公司,在其全球化的广告活动中都会使用典型的形象,比如一个忙碌的行政商务人员。
- Resu lts The typical images of normal ocular fundus and that with ROP in the 150 premature i nfants were successfully obtained by indirect ophthalmoscope. 结果 150例早产儿均通过双目间接检眼镜获得正常早产儿眼底 图像或各期典型的R OP图像。
- There are three typical images in her novels, female image of the social beauty, psychologically abnormal female image and male image of clerisy. 交际花类型的女性形象、心理变态的女性形象和男性知识份子形象构成张爱玲小说的三类典型形象。
- Hamlet is a tragic heroine, as well as the typical image of the Renaissance humanism. 哈姆莱特是悲剧的主人公,也是文艺复兴时期人文主义的典型形象。
- The reason why typical image sensors had poor responsivity in the ultraviolet (UV) region of the spectrum was given. 讨论了成像器件对紫外响应弱的原因,介绍了紫外增强的方案。
- The largest distortion that you are likely to encounter in a typical image is called radial distortion. 最大的失真,你可能在一个典型的图像中遇到被称为光线的失真。
- I’ve spotted several retailers using this effect creatively, beyond the typical image zoom or flyout menu. 我注意到一些零售商创造性地利用这种效果,远不止一般的图片放大或者弹出菜单。
- Xin Di, Zheng Ming and Mu Dan are analyzed from a typical image in their poems to provide an overall picture or a new understanding of their poems. 分论则是对各个诗人的创作分别进行解读,对辛笛、郑敏和穆旦均取其诗中的一个典型意象或理念进行解读,以期“窥一斑而见全豹”或得到新的理解;
- Typical image analysis of brain slices, brain wet/dry weight measurement, and Evans blue extravasation were also used simultaneously to verify the feasibility of this method. 同时,我们采用经典的脑片图像分析、脑水分含量测定、伊文思蓝渗出方法,验证了本方法的可行性。
- Thoracic X-ray of 61.5% patients showed typical image, with low density tuberous and globular nidus in the cavity surrounded with semicircle or crescent vacuoles. 61.;5%25患者显示较典型的X线征像,表现为空洞内低密度结节状或球形病灶,围以半环形气带或新月形气腔;
- Conclusion: Central neurocytoma have typical imaging features.Carefully analysis the imaging features can avoid the nsisdiagnosis and get correct diagnosis. 结论:中枢神经细胞瘤具有一定的影像学特征,仔细分析其影像学表现可以避免误诊。
- It was typical of her to forget. 她这人就是爱忘事。
- He answered with typical curtness. 他像往常一样,回答时唐突无礼。
- Results He typical imaging features of Joubert syndrome included “midline cleft” between cerebellar hemispheres, “bat-wing” and “triangular-shaped” fourth ventricle, and “molar tooth sign”. 结果Joubert综合征的典型影像学表现包括小脑半球间“中线裂”、“蝙蝠翼”状和“三角形”第4脑室,以及中脑水平的“磨牙征”。
- Is this behaviour typical of the male sex? 这种行为是雄性特有的吗?