- He is an outdoorsy type of person. 他是一个喜爱户外活动类型的人。
- She's the type of person that I admire. 她就是我所钦佩的那种人。
- Happiness is a type of personality. 快乐是一种性格。
- What type of personality do you have? 你的个性是?
- She' s always been an edgy type of person. 她一向就是那种情绪紧张的人.
- He is a foot-loose and fancy-free type of person. 他是一位自由自在不谈恋爱的人。
- She's always been an edgy type of person. 她一向就是那种情绪紧张的人.
- She's the type of person who succeeds anywhere. 她是不论到什么地方都会飞黄腾达的那种人。
- I know that James is a solid type of person. 我知道詹姆斯是个可信赖的人。
- He is a footloose and fancy-free type of person. 他是个自由自在、不谈恋爱的人。
- What if you are not really a chirpy type of person? 自然,对话会更有趣。
- London offers lots diversions for every type of person. 伦敦为各种人提供许多消遣。
- What type of person is he? He is a trustworthy fellow. 他是哪种类型的人?他是值得信赖的人。
- SS: i'm the type of person that gains more weight when they're stressed. 我是那种有压力反而体重会上升的人.
- Tom is an easy-going type of person who gets along well with everyone. 汤姆是个随和的人,跟谁都合得来。
- I am a homey type of person, usually I like to spend my time with my family. 我比较喜欢呆在家,所以通常都会陪我的家人。
- Few people have not met the type of person with some vague grievance that is often not even clear to himself. 很少有人没碰到过那种总是不知在抱怨什么的人,甚至常常连他自己也不清楚到底有什么不满。
- Coral is formed by certain types of polyp. 珊瑚是由某些水螅体构成的。
- He devises a new type of transistor. 他发明了一种新的晶体管。
- The name should be evocative of the type of person the persona is, without tending toward caricature or stereotype. 人物角色的名字应该是对其类型的体现,而不是倾向于漫画或者固定型。