- This article proposes the objective way of calculating the importance of each attribute based on Rough Set to get the weight of each indicator and unify these two methods above to finally determine the target weight. 本文将粗集理论中属性重要度的概念引入网络课程评价中的权重确定过程,提出将决策者先验知识给定的权重同粗集理论确定的属性重要度结合起来作为最终确定网络课程评价指标权重的方法。
- Two way market and have ready buyer and seller. 双边市场和现成的买卖双方。
- Bisected two way mirror triangle, 1998. 分为两个三角形的方式镜子, 1998年。
- To characterize similar rough set theory, an axiom group named S, consisting of 3 axioms, is proposed. 为刻画基于相似关系粗糙集理论,给出了公理组S,它含有3个公理。
- There is two way to access your preset camera position. 有两种方法进入预置摄像机位置。
- He was infuriate d by the police man’s rough treatment of his wife. 警察粗暴的对待他的妻子,这激怒了他。
- In addition, we process the polysemous problem using rough sets. 本系统还利用模糊集来处理多义词的问题。
- The rough communication is a new application of rough sets theory. 信息粗传递是粗糙集理论的一个新的应用。
- In addition,we process the polysemous problem using rough sets. 另外,本系统还利用模糊集来处理多义词的问题。
- The conception of the weightiness of rough set is applied to allocate the factor weights with objective way. 首先利用模糊聚类分析对数据进行聚类,并提取最佳聚类;
- Loyalty is a two way street.There was a young man named Dennis Cosgrove at the University of Virginia, and when he was a young man, let’s just say things happened. 汶川大地震发生后,我向我的客户及朋友发了条关于防范风险、关爱生命的短信,提到风险真的是无处不在,真的应该把人身保障的问题重新认真的做一下审视,让自己拥有足够的人身保险。
- The advantage of Rough set is the ability to acquire the knowledge. 粗糙集理论的要点是将分类与知识联系在一起,粗糙集理论认为知识即是将对象进行分类的能力。
- Reduction of knowledge is the core of rough set theory. 摘要知识约简是粗糙集理论的核心问题。
- L’Idiot’s ‘rough’ alternative unleashes the mental associations which have largely been unexplored by computer-driven architecture. 里帝欧实体的另类粗旷激发了人们的精神上的想象,这在电脑支配的建筑设计中是还未曾探索过的。
- The key of the rough set theory is deal with the approximation of an arbitrarysubset of a universe by two subsets called lower and upper approximations. 粗糙集理论的关键是建立两个被称为下、上近似的子集来近似表示论域上的任意集合.
- United Way’s ASB 2007 benefits from major funding by Federal Express and GameStop/EB Games, and students incur little out-of-pocket expense. 活动的形式可以是去海外偏远的村落里执行传播福音的任务,也可以是在当地为无家可归的人们开设的赈济厨房工作。
- A new method about extracting rules based on rough sets theory was proposed. 摘要提出了一种基于粗糙集理论的规则提取的新方法。
- And having analysed Existential Consciousness in Woolf?s novels, we can have a more clear view of Virginia Woolf?s rough life which suffered from illness, but full of creativity. 通过本文对伍尔夫笔下人物命运处理方法的透析,我们可以反观弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫为病痛所苦然而又是充满创造力的踯蹰人生。
- It is an offshoot to study rough sets from algebraic and topologic opinions. 摘要从代数的观点、拓扑的观点来讨论和研究粗糙集是粗糙集理论研究的主导思想之一。