- The ratio of men to women was two to one. 男女的比例是二比一。
- Team A beat team B (by a score of) two to one. 甲队以二比一胜乙队。
- Team A beat team B(by a score of) two to one. 甲队以二比一胜乙队。
- Two to one in favour of the London team. 2比1,伦敦队胜。
- Last time they were two to one in favor of Korea. 上次比分是二比一,韩国赢了。
- Conforming to one principle, standard, or rule; consistent. 一律的,统一标准的统一于一个原理、标准或规则;一致的
- The girls in the class outnumber the boys two to one. 那一班的女孩子比男孩子多一倍。
- Our product outsell theirs by a ratio of two to one. 我们的产品比他们的畅销,销售量为他们的二倍。
- In this profession, women outnumber men by two to one. 在这个行业中,女性人数是男性的两倍。
- The score is two to one in favor of the Red Star team. 比分是2:1,红星队胜。
- In doing so we should adhere to one principle, namely, to consult with the minority nationality people. 所有这一切工作,都要掌握一个原则,就是要同少数民族商量。
- two to one principle [经] 二对一原理
- In doing so we should adhere to one principle,namely,to consult with the minority nationality people. 所有这一切工作,都要掌握一个原则,就是要同少数民族商量。
- He has tapered down his smoking from two to one package of cigarettes a day. 他已从一天抽两包烟减少到一天抽一包。
- It take at least two to make a peace, but one can make a war. 一方燃起的战火,至少两方才能媾和。
- The two lines are perpendicular to one another. 这两条线相互垂直。
- These are some areas where immigrants predominated over the natives of the place by almost two to one. 在有些地区,移民的数量几乎超出当地居民1倍。
- These two ideas are now fused into one principle. 这两种观点合并成了一个原则。
- They were the last two to go aboard the ship. 他们是最後两位上船的。
- Six to one is a good price for that horse. 那匹马有六比一的赔率很不错。