- The two shoots have grown together into one tree. 这两个嫩枝已长合在一起变成了一棵树。
- Most recent in the catalogue of pain are the two shoot out defeats to Portugal, in Euro 2004 and World Cup 2006. 最近的痛苦都是在和葡萄牙对决中的两次射门,一次是2004年欧洲杯一次是2006年世界杯。
- It uses the simple clamp,makes the tool higher precision and stay a shot process cycle.Specially,it is advantage to the tool of horniness alloy. 运用简单的夹具,制造出了较高精度的车刀,加工周期短,尤其适用于硬质合金成形车刀的制造。
- You two shoot it down for me! 你们两个给我把它打下来!
- He fired two shot at the crowd. 他向人群开了两枪。
- The current situation of aero-engine fan blades by laser shot processing(LSP) is introduced. 通过在航空发动机叶片表面引入残余压应力,激光冲击强化可以大幅度提高叶片的疲劳寿命。
- It is shown that the continued hail shooting process is caused by a cold vortex. 结果表明,这次连续性大范围冰雹天气过程是由冷性低涡影响产生的。
- The two shoots that came up form the root have united and grown together into on tree. 从树根上长出的两条枝随长随合成了一棵树。
- Then loose defending handed two shooting opportunities to Chelsea, Sinclair blocked before releasing the trigger and Elmer bobbling his effort wide. 富勒姆松散的后防又给了切尔西两次射门机会,辛克莱施射之前被封堵,而埃尔莫将球踢飞。
- Looping and swooping, the photographer constantly changed his shooting angle to capture the best view of his buddy. The shooting process lasted for nearly one hour. 摄影师一会翻滚,一会俯冲,不停的变换着拍摄角度,与这条大鲨鱼在水中表演了近一个小时的摄影绝技。
- It is tall, and two shoots off, and then the child grows two leaves, leaves with many long serrated edge. 它长高了,两片芽叶脱落了,又长出两片绿叶子,叶子边上长着很多锯齿。
- The saluting guns, made in Shanxi, adopt a computer control system.Each gun can be monitored and the shooting process recorded for any necessary adjustment. 08式礼炮首次采用山西自主研发的计算机控制系统,可监测并记录发射全程,以便技术人员及时了解情况,随时调整。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- The two shooting night in the Tsim Sha Tsui calendar, but not the whole exchange, leaving more time to separate after a previous visit. 前晚两人在尖沙嘴拍摄月历,但全程无交流,离开时更一前一后分开行。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- Twelve people were killed and up to 31 injured in two shootings Thursday at Fort Hood Army Base in Killeen, Texas, the U.S.Army said. 美国军方证实,本周四,位于得克萨斯州基林的胡德堡陆军基地发生枪击事件,造成12人死亡,31人受伤。
- The two elements are synthesized by a chemical process. 这两种元素已经化学合成。
- Seven people have died and two have been injured in two shootings in the US state of Colorado, one at a missionary training centre, the other in a church car park. 美国科罗拉多州今天发生两起枪击案有七人死亡,两人受伤。这两起枪击案一起发生在射击训练场,另一起发生在一所教堂停车场。
- The process of separating one block into two or more records. 将一个块分解成两个或多个记录的处理过程。
- Numerical Simulation of Foam Particle Shoot Process Based on Two-phase Model 基于欧拉-拉格朗日模型的射料过程的数值模拟