- What drives is a male youth, in a back row place male 50 year old of scene, two person of attires are fastidious. 驾车的是一名男青年,后排座上的男子50岁光景,两人都衣着讲究。
- Black and white, you could snap two become a two row cuff! 黑白两色,可以连在一起绕成双圈!!
- The basic materials of Orval beer are spring water, malted two row barley, aromatic hops and candy sugar. 酿造欧瓦啤酒的基本原料是水,两穗大麦麦芽,芬芳啤酒花和糖。
- Individual pay part presses month of generation to withhold by place unit. 个人缴纳部分由所在单位按月代扣缴。
- But who has thrown down the two rows of statues? 可是,那两列塑像是谁拆毁的呢?
- A join is a Cartesian product of two row sets, with the join predicate applied as a filter to the result. 一个连接是两个行集的笛卡尔乘积,谓词连接作为一个过滤结果应用。
- Do not think, the woman enters camp the following day, place unit ambuscades. 不想,女子入营的第二天,所在部队就遭埋伏。
- The two rows of rollers are arranged face-to-face. 双列滚子面对面排列。
- You should be able to see two rows of data. 您会看到这个表中包含两行数据了。
- Statement chooses any two rows returned by the. 语句返回的行。
- Place them in two rows, six in each, on the pure gold table before Yahweh. 将饼排成两行,六个一行,供在上主面前的纯金桌上。
- Therefore, the join cardinality is the product of the cardinalities of two row sets, multiplied by the selectivity of the join predicate. 因此,连接行集数是两个行集的行集数的乘积,被选择的谓词连接的乘积。
- Two rows of oxen were cast, when it was cast. 是铸海的时候铸上的(“野瓜”原文作“牛”)。
- If you place unit segments end-to-end, you will eventually get a segment larger than any given segment. 如果你将单位线段一个接一个连接起来,最终会得到一条线段,比已知线段都长。
- The magnet system is a two row highly efficient neodymium construction in a moulded chassis of ceramical carbon steel. 磁体采用双排高效率钕磁体,嵌入模制陶瓷化表面碳钢底座。
- Your drop zone will change and let you place units directly on top of it, so take advantage of that and start dropping anti-tank units into the area. 你的落区将会改变,让您的单位直接在它之上,所以可以利用这一点,并开始下降,反坦克部队进入该地区。
- Differences of rice spike neck tissue characters of three cultivars were observed under two row spacings and two seedling numbers per hill. 用3个水稻品种在两种行距和两种穴苗数的不同田间配置方式下,观察水稻穗颈组织性状。
- In afore-mentioned medical treatment period inside, the pay of former wages material benefits of laborer is changeless, by its place unit pays by the month. 在上述医疗期内,劳动者的原工资福利待遇不变,由其所在单位按月支付。
- Selecting an existing group row places the new group inside the selected group row. 如果选定的是某个现有组中的行,则新组将位于选定行内。
- There is a space of three meters between two rows of saplings. 每两行树苗间隔3米。