- Now from here, you cook it just like you would rice. Quinoa is two parts water to one part Quinoa. 现在这里,你只要像煮大米一样。煮藜麦是要加入水和麦两部分.
- In this paper, a model is founded for appraising the risk and return on investment based on water price model and the risk is assessed. 在供水定价模型的基础上,建立了投资收益和风险评价模型,并对投资风险进行了估计。
- Based on definition of the value of water,this paper explicates the water price model of dynamic total cost; 在辨析水资源价值涵义的基础上,阐述水资源动态完全成本定价模型;
- two part water tariff 两部制水价
- Study on Water Pricing Model under the Condition of Market Economy 基于市场经济条件下的水价模型研究
- Why did you two part the best of friends last week? 为什么你们这两个最好的朋友上周分手了?
- Communication and ECCM like two part of the coin. 通信与通信对抗就是这样一对互相促进,不断发展的矛盾的两个方面。
- There are two parts to the solar water heater. 太阳能热水器分为两部分,
- water price model 水价模型
- Add three parts wine to one part water. 一份水兑上三份葡萄酒。
- A mixture of two parts flour to one part sugar. 两份面粉和一份糖的混合物
- two-part water price model 两部制水价模型
- The two parts of the pipe have separated at the joint. 这个管子从接口处分成两截了。
- The two parts of his statement do not hang together, do they? 他的话前后两部分不一致,是不是?
- This model is expected to reduce the economic aftereffect of water price increases to a minimum. 水资源总体经济模组用于水价调整政策,可获得影响国家经济最小的决策方案;
- Yes,that's true. Do you know what an important part water play in steel work? 是的,是真的。你知道水在钢铁厂中起着重要的作用吗?
- Identifies the two part language codes of the assembly. 标识程序集的两部分语言代码。
- Yes,that's true. Do you know what an important part water plays in steel work ? 是的,是真的。你知道水在钢铁厂中起着重要的作用吗?
- It is good for using them as references,such as the water price and manage model of water charge in Japan,the blue print of three-grade water pric... 日本的水价和水费管理模式以及上海最新提出的三级梯度水价规划方案值得借鉴与参考。
- Characterized by or consisting of two parts or components; twofold. 双重的以两部分或要素为特色的或由之组成的; 两倍的